Public Call Expressions Of Interest Invited
Kerry County Council is inviting Expressions of Interest for the development and use of lands at Derreen. Killarney, County Kerry, in accordance with the terms of this brief.
Kerry County Council holds the land in trust and now decides these lands are to be developed for the benefit of the general community of Killarney and/or its surrounding area. Kerry County Council is therefore to consider proposals for the use of these lands in line with this type of development. Kerry County Council will consider all expressions of interest in relation to the development of these lands.
The Site
Site Location and Description:
The site is located in the townland of Derreen, Killarney, adjacent to and between Killarney Celtic and Killarney Legion GAA sports clubs, to the west and east respectively. There is one access point off the public road. Along the northern boundary of the site adjoins the Deenagh River, a Special Area of Conservation as part of the Macgillycuddy's Reeks and Caragh River Catchment. The site comprises just over 1.2 ha.
To the south of the site a Community Sports Center is currently being constructed and planning permission has been approved for a playground.
Location Maps:
The site location maps below is provided for information purposes.
The first provides a general indication of the site location to the North of Killarney town.
The second map provides site boundary information.
Site Zoning:
The site is at present mixed zoned Green/Recreational and Residential under the Killarney Town Development Plan. The site is not currently serviced.
Public Call Expressions of Interest:
All Expressions of Interest submitted must include the following information:
- Proposal
- Please clearly describe your proposal for the development of the site or area within the site, outlining you approach and strategy for delivery. Please include any reports, feasibility plans (can include estimated construction and development costs), drawings, supporting documentation/reports.
- Demonstrate your experience in delivering projects of similar/greater scale and out line your team available to assist in delivering if successful.
- Please outline how your proposal accords with the zoning/land use and strategic planning as contained in the Killarney Town Development Plan.
- Community Benefit
- Please describe how your proposal would benefit the general community of Killarney town and/or the functional area of Killarney Municipal District, providing regional and/or community gain.
- Please describe how your proposal would enhance or add to community based activity and community based benefit, and creation of employment if any to Killarney town and/or the functional area of Killarney Municipal District.
- Financial
- Please state how you intend to fund the proposed development of the site/section of site and ensure its successful completion and delivery.
- Please outline your delivery timeline for the proposed development of the site/site section.
Submission of Expression of Interest:
Completed expressions of interest must be submitted here on, or, either emailed to:
or submitted by post or delivered by hand to:
Killarney Municipal District Officer,
Killarney Municipal District Office, Town Hall, Killarney, Co. Kerry. V93 KH5V
Submissions must clearly provide full details of the party/applicant submitting the expression of interest and include the following in their submission:
- Name of submitting party/organisation
- Legal state
- Contact Name
- Position/Role/Office within submitting party/organisation
- Company/Charity Name (if applicable)
- Company/Charity Number (if applicable)
- Correspondence address
- Telephone number
- Email address
Access to the Site
Access to the site will be restricted and will not be permitted without prior approval from Kerry County Council. No personnel will be permitted on site without being accommodated by a designated person from Kerry County Council Killarney Municipal District Office.
All queries relating to site access or submissions or the submission process should be directed to Killarney Municipal District Office at or call (064) 6626100 for assistance.
Format for submissions:
Completed expressions of interest must be signed, dated and include the following in addition to the information outlined above include a statements that:
- All information submitted in the expression of interest is complete and accurate, including any supporting material.
- The information provided can be used to assess the submission.
- The signature included in an submission is an authorised person of the body making the submission.
Closing Date for Submissions:
The deadline for submissions will be February 17th, 2025 at 10am, late submissions will not be considered.
Important Notices
Submissions shall not be considered nor constitute an agreement with Kerry County Council. Kerry County Council reserves the right to, at its own discretion, to further open the process and/or the lands to an additional, supplementary and/or supplanting process or decision methodology by further expressions of interest or otherwise. Kerry County Council may end this expression of interest process at its discretion and without compensation to any applicant.
The particulars, documentation drawings and any other information provided are pursuant to this process are provided for the general guidance of applicants only. Kerry County Council will not be liable for any inaccuracies and no representation or warranty is made in relation to same.
Any and all costs, fees and expenses howsoever incurred by any party preparing or submitting an expression of interest are to be considered as work at risk and there shall be no recovery of same from Kerry County Council. Parties are advised not to make submission if this condition is considered unacceptable.
Kerry County Council will use its best efforts to hold confidential any information provided by applicants subject to their obligation under Law including the Freedom of Information Acts. Applicants are advised that any information provided in an Expression of Interest may have to be disclosed in response to a request unless Kerry County Council determines that one of the statutory exemptions applies (please note decisions made by Kerry County Council in this respect may be appealed by the party making the request to the Information Commissioner).
Any conflict or potential conflict of interest on the part of any applicant (or any of that applicant’s employees, agents, or subcontractors) submitting an Expression of Interest must be fully disclosed to Kerry County Council as soon as the conflict or potential conflict of interest is or becomes apparent. In the event of any conflict or potential conflict of interest, Kerry County Council may invite parties to propose means by which the conflict might be removed. Kerry County Council will, at its absolute discretion, decide on the appropriate course of action, which may in appropriate circumstances include disqualifying a party from submitting an Expression of Interest.
An applicant may be disqualified by Kerry County Council from this Expression of Interest process if he /she / it:
- has been convicted of an offence involving participation in a proscribed criminal organisation, corruption, fraud or money laundering;
- has been involved in any activity, criminal or otherwise, which may bring this process into disrepute or;
- is involved in any canvassing or lobbying in support of its Expression of Interest.
No publicity regarding this Expressions of Interest exercise or any contract pursuant to same is permitted without the prior written consent of Kerry County Council.
Registrable Interest:
Any registrable interest involving any applicant and Kerry County Council, members of the Government, members of the Oireachtas, or employees and officers of Kerry County Council and their relatives must be fully disclosed in the proposal or, in the event of this information only coming to the notice of the applicant after the submission of a proposal, must be communicated to Kerry County Council immediately upon such information becoming known to the applicant.
The terms “Registrable Interest” and “Relative” shall be interpreted as per Section 2 of the Ethics in Public Office Acts 1995 and 2001, copies of which are available at
Kerry County Council will, at its absolute discretion, decide on the appropriate course of action, which may in appropriate circumstances include eliminating an applicant from this Expressions of Interest exercise or terminating any contract entered in to by an applicant pursuant to same.
Data Protection:
“Data Protection Laws” means all applicable national and EU data protection laws, regulations and guidelines including, but not limited to, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and any guidelines issued by the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner.
Kerry County Council will be a Data Controller (where Data Controller has the meaning given under the Data Protection Laws) in respect of any Personal Data (where Personal Data has the meaning given under the Data Protection Laws) required to be provided by applicants in response to this Expression of Interest. The applicant, as Data Controller in respect of any Personal Data provided by it in its submission, is required to confirm that all Data Subjects (where Data Subject has the meaning given under the Data Protection Laws) whose Personal Data is provided by the applicant have consented to the processing of such Personal Data by the applicant, Kerry County Council and the Evaluation Team, for the purposes of the participation of the applicant in this Expression of Interest or that the applicant otherwise has a legal basis for providing such Personal Data for the purposes of its participation in this Expression of Interest process.
All documentation, data, statistics, drawings, information, patterns, samples or material disclosed or furnished by Kerry County Council to applicants during this Expressions of Interest exercise:
- are furnished for the sole purpose of replying to this Expressions of Interest exercise only;
- may not be used, communicated, reproduced or published for any other purpose without the prior written permission of Kerry County Council;
- shall be treated as confidential by the applicant and by any third parties (including subcontractors) engaged or consulted by the applicant; and
- must be returned immediately to Kerry County Council upon cancellation or completion of this Expressions of Interest exercise if so requested by Kerry County Council.