The Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act, 2021 has set in law the requirement for all Local Authorities in the country to develop a locally-led Local Authority Climate Action Plan (LACAP).
The Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications formally requested Local Authorities to commence drafting their LACAP in February 2023. The plans are to be adopted by Elected Members in 2024 and are to run for 5 years.
A range of climate mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity measures will need to be identified and actioned over the lifetime of the plan.
Kerry County Council has now, through its Climate Action team, started to write Kerry’s Climate Action Plan.
We would value your engagement and participation in this plan making process.
As a starting point for discussion we have produced a Baseline Evidence Summary Report. The report provides information on the key emitters of greenhouse gas (GHG) in the county as we start the CAP making process.
Three parcels of work have already been undertaken and are further described in the Baseline Evidence Summary Report.
They are:
A Baseline Emissions Inventory (BEI) that details the current source of GHGs in the county,
A Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) that evaluates the current and future climate related impacts and risks faced by the local authority and the local community, and
A specific Decarbonising Zone(DZ) with BEI - a DZ is defined as an area in which a range of climate mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity measures are identified for key emitting sectors. Key emitting sectors are identified from a specific BEI for the DZ area. Kerry's DZ is the Corca Dhuibhne/Dingle Peninsula.
As we prepare the plan over the following months we are seeking your views on how the Climate Action Plan should now evolve.
We want to hear your reviews and would value your thoughts on these questions:
1. In your opinion how should Kerry County Council influence and support communities to mitigate climate change and move towards decarbonisation?
2. In your opinion how should Kerry County Council influence and support communities adapt to the impacts of climate change and become resilient?
3. Can you suggest actions to be included in the Climate Action Plan for County Kerry?
4. Do you have any issues, suggestions or recommendations that you would like to see added to the CAP for County Kerry?
You can view the Baseline Evidence Summary Report below or download the attached pdf document.
Please answer as many of the four questions as you want.
Submissions can be made online via this portal from July 7th, 2023 until August 8th, 2023.
Kerry County Council's Local Authority Climate Action Plan 2024-2029. Public Engagement.
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Kerry County Council's Climate Action Plan
The Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act, 2021 has set in law the requirement for all Local Authorities in the country to develop a locally-led Local Authority Climate Action Plan (LACAP).
The Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications formally requested Local Authorities to commence drafting their LACAP in February 2023. The plans are to be adopted by Elected Members in 2024 and are to run for 5 years.
A range of climate mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity measures will need to be identified and actioned over the lifetime of the plan.
Kerry County Council has now, through its Climate Action team, started to write Kerry’s Climate Action Plan.
We would value your engagement and participation in this plan making process.
As a starting point for discussion we have produced a Baseline Evidence Summary Report. The report provides information on the key emitters of greenhouse gas (GHG) in the county as we start the CAP making process.
Three parcels of work have already been undertaken and are further described in the Baseline Evidence Summary Report.
They are:
As we prepare the plan over the following months we are seeking your views on how the Climate Action Plan should now evolve.
We want to hear your reviews and would value your thoughts on these questions:
1. In your opinion how should Kerry County Council influence and support communities to mitigate climate change and move towards decarbonisation?
2. In your opinion how should Kerry County Council influence and support communities adapt to the impacts of climate change and become resilient?
3. Can you suggest actions to be included in the Climate Action Plan for County Kerry?
4. Do you have any issues, suggestions or recommendations that you would like to see added to the CAP for County Kerry?
You can view the Baseline Evidence Summary Report below or download the attached pdf document.
Please answer as many of the four questions as you want.
Submissions can be made online via this portal from July 7th, 2023 until August 8th, 2023.