Killarney Town Centre Community CCTV Scheme

Closed29 Feb, 2024, 00:00 - 20 Mar, 2024, 17:00

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Killarney Community CCTV Project – Killarney Town Centre CCTV Scheme

Kerry County Council have prepared plans to establish the “Killarney Community CCTV Project – Killarney Town Centre CCTV Scheme” as approved by The Garda Commissioner, under Section 38 of the Garda Síochána Act 2005, the development of which will be part funded by the Department of Justice.

Non Statutory Public Consultation

The Council is undertaking a broad public consultation to seek the observations, views and suggestions of the local community and all the key stakeholders regarding the proposed Killarney Town Centre CCTV Scheme.

An open day will be held on Thursday the 7th of March 2024 at the ANAM centre from 2.00pm to 7:00pm and a webinar from 7:00pm to 8.00pm where Kerry County Council will present the plans for this scheme.
To register for the webinar click here

Plans and Particulars of the proposed scheme are available for inspection during normal office hours from Thursday, 29th of February 2024 to Wednesday, 20th March 2024 at the following locations;

  • Kerry County Council, Killarney MD & Area Office, The Town Hall, Killarney.

  • Online on Kerry County Council's Consultation Platform

Observations, views and submissions in relation to the above can be made using the consultation platform or in writing (and marked) 

                Killarney Non Statutory Public Consultation

To:          Kerry County Council, Killarney MD & Area Office, The Town Hall, Killarney, V93 KH5V

and must be received by 5.00 pm on Wednesday, 20th March 2024

You attention is directed to the two documents provided.

  1. The first provides a Scheme Overview and deals with the development of the scheme, the legal basis, the locations and map of the scheme and the next steps in the process.
  2. The second document provides a report on our Considerations in relation to Data Protection & Privacy and the CCTV scheme. The report is based on information in the Data Protection Impact Assessment and demonstrates how a focus on protection of your privacy is balanced in the development of the scheme. 


Privacy note:

Personal information is collected by Kerry County Council to enable the processing of your submission/enquiry.  Kerry County Council can legally process this information as necessary to comply with its statutory/legal obligations. Such information will be processed in line with the Council’s privacy statement which is available at

The services of a third-party (a Data Processor) called Civiq are used to process submissions and collate reports on same. The privacy notice in the footer of this site deals with their services and your privacy.


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