Submissions by topics "Community Infrastructure, Services and Facilities"Subscribe to Submissions by topics "Community Infrastructure, Services and Facilities"

please see attcahed for suggested amanedmants to additions/amendments to policies and objectives
Please see attached submission and cover letter from Social Action Group Rathmore
Chapter 6 – SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES “KCDP 6-17 Promote integration of social housing and ensure a housing mix within developments in order to promote a socially balanced and inclusive society –...
See Attached
For the purposes of clarity we shall outline our submission via bullet points: County Kerry Tourism Strategy and Action Pan 2016-2022. Chapter 6 on Enterprise and Innovation states that the...
To ensure that existing networks are maintained to a high level to ensure quality levels of safety, service, accessibility and connectivity to transport users of all transport mode in Killarney,...
Rural Depopulation Kerry IFA requests that the County Development Plan takes into account rural depopulation, rural isolation and reduced services in rural areas. Where...
Again Farranfore is ideally placed to deliver on all the objectives set out in this chapter
Active Travel Measure Coiste Forbartha na Sceilge is the local voluntary development organisation for the
Ballinskelligs area. The Coiste Forbartha endeavours to promote every aspect of...
  • Castleisland Town and Region is well served in terms of Public Services, Educational, Sporting and Community facilities. However, the departure of Financial Services companies from...