Submissions by topics "Tourism"Subscribe to Submissions by topics "Tourism"

This plan should actively encourage and support the development of full serviced camper/mobile home sites. Kerry is lagging behind what is becoming a very popular form of holidaying. Kerry at...
It is paramount that the Local Authorities would support the development of tourism infrastructure on the Skellig Coast, and particulary on Valentia Island  to facilitate safe road access to...
See attached observations on tourism facilities @ Banna, Ardfert 
Chapter 10 – TOURISM AND OUTDOOR RECREATION Overall general observations with CTCD/DPTA’s observations in red: Community Tourism Groups / Local Destination Management Organisations should be...
Tourism That Kerry County Council would loosen the wording around glamping as an on farm income where suitable as this would help farm families.
Tourism That Kerry County Council would include the provision of public toilets on all blue flag and busy beaches.
Ballylongford Enterprise Association is a community led organisation whose aim is to promote and develop Ballylongford. Tourism is a huge factor in our development and strategic plan. From January...
  That Kerry County Council would include guidelines for glamping or pods in South Kerry.  
  Radharcanna .i. views and prospects: le blianta fada anois is iad na radharcanna, nó na views and prospects, ceann dosna cúiseanna is coitianta a chuireann bac ar an nduine...
See Attached