Opposition to the Inclusion of Land in Reencaheragh, Portmagee

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
John O'Sullivan

Section 2

To Whom It May Concern:

I hope this letter finds you well. As a father of four daughters and a resident of the family farm here in Reencaheragh, Portmagee I am writing to you today with heartfelt concern. I aspire that my four daughters can live, work, and establish their homes locally, as the soaring housing costs in cities make it unaffordable for them. Furthermore, I am also considering the well-being of future generations, those who may not even be born yet, and the support they may need in the years to come. With this in mind, I wish to express my strong opposition to the contents of the Valentia Island Socio-Economic Plan for 2023-2028, particularly its proposal to include my private land in the proposed development area.

My concerns regarding this matter were initially raised on the evening of Wednesday, September 20th. Word had reached my wife and me that a meeting was to be held that night to discuss the economic plan. To our shock and dismay, it was rumoured that our land in Reencaheragh, Portmagee was included within the plan's boundaries. This was deeply unsettling, as we had not received any official communication regarding the inclusion of our private property in this plan, nor had we provided any consent for such inclusion.

Our concerns escalated when we saw photographic evidence circulating on WhatsApp, clearly illustrating our land within the red-line perimeters outlined on the map accompanying the economic plan. This revelation was not only disconcerting but also left us with numerous questions about why our land had been included without our knowledge or consent. Furthermore, we could not understand why a plan concerning Valentia Island had any effect on Reencaheragh, Portmagee.

In response to these concerns, I took it upon myself to attend the meeting, only to be met with disappointment and frustration. My objections were not given due consideration, and I was essentially told not to worry about the red lines. This response was deeply insulting and dismissive, leaving me, and others, feeling confused and disrespected as private landowners.

As a result of the experience at the meeting, I was advised by my local politician, Michael Healy Rae, and sought legal counsel from my solicitor. This letter serves as my official opposition to the inclusion of my land in the Valentia Island Socio-Economic Plan. I firmly believe that my private property should not be subject to any development or alterations without my informed consent and proper consultation.

In summary, there appears to be no rational basis for allowing the development plans concerning Valentia Island to have any bearing on the mainland in Portmagee. To prevent any additional disturbance or ambiguity, it is imperative that the drawings depicting the impacted regions undergo immediate revisions, specifically with the removal of Reencaheragh, Portmagee land from the equation. This proactive step will help ensure clarity and fairness in the planning process. I urge you to acknowledge this letter at your earliest convenience and provide me with a timely response. I have no intention of letting this matter go unresolved and am prepared to take further action if necessary to protect my family’s property rights and interests. I sincerely hope that this issue can be addressed through open and constructive dialogue, and I remain committed to working towards a mutually agreeable resolution. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,

John O'Sullivan

Family Farm
Housing Costs
Future Generation
Private Land
Red-line perimeters

My strong opposition to the proposal to include private mainland in Reencaheragh, Portmagee in the proposed development area, when the plan is related to Valentia Island. I am concerned about the lack of communication, consent, and transparency regarding the inclusion of land in the plan and request the immediate removal of Reencaheragh, Portmagee land from the plan's boundaries.


Expressing opposition to the contents of the Valentia Island Socio-Economic Plan for 2023-2028, specifically the proposal to include private land in Reencaheragh, Portmagee, in the development area.

Requesting clarification and information regarding why the private land was included in the plan without official communication or consent.

Requesting the removal of Reencaheragh, Portmagee land from the plan.

Urging for acknowledgement of the letter and timely response.

Main reasons: 

Expressing Concern for Family and Future Generations, Opposition to the inclusion of mainland Reencaheragh, Portmagee in the Valentia Island Socio-Economic Plan, Lack of Communication and Consent, Evidence of inclusion, Unsatisfactory Response at Meeting