Submission from the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland under Section 20 (Consultation and adoption of local area plans) the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)

Draft Kenmare Municipal District LAP 2023-2029

• Met Eireann site (P9320) - It would appear that the Met Eireann site in the bray townland of Valentia Island has been included in Area 02 as a heritage and culturally sensitive area as per pages 30 and 31 of the draft plan. - No comments.

• Caherciveen Legal Aid Board (B8175) – There are two ‘Opportunity sites’ on either side of the Caherciveen Legal Aid Board which KCC are hoping will be developed as part of a proposed waterfront development emphasis in the town. – The Caherciveen Legal Aid Board is a Security conscious property and site and therefore we may need to make submissions on any proposed development on either of these two sites.

• Kenmare GS (B2099) - is designated as a protected structure and is located in an ACA as per the plan. Kenmare DSP (which is a leased building) is also within the ACA. Kenmare DSP is also located in Flood Zone A as per the plan - No comment.

• Killorglin GS (B2207) is still denoted as a protected structure and is within an ACA. Discussion required with the KCC Conservation Officer regarding the designation.

• Sneem GS (B4954) is denoted as a protected structure but it is not with the Sneem ACA. No comment.

• Waterville GS (B3886) and Iveragh Coastguard (B8368) are not denoted as protected structures and they are not located in an ACA. There are however a number of protected structures and an ACA immediately adjacent to our site. Discussion required with the KCC Conservation Officer.

• Former Garda Station in Dun Geagain near Ballinskelligs (B200) has been zoned ‘Community Facilities’ as per the land use zoning map on page 178. This is an OPW owned property. It is only leased currently to a Community Group. It may again revert
to state use in the future. Therefore the proposed zoning needs to be discussed.

• Kilgarvan former national school (B2152) has been designated as a protected structure. OPW believes that this is a new designation. Discussion required with the KCC Conservation Officer.

• The former National School and Garda Station (B2290) site in Knightstown has been designated as a protected structure. OPW believes that this is a new designation. Discussion required with the KCC Conservation Officer.

• The derelict L shaped row of terraced former cottages (B2288) in Knightstown have been designated as protected structures. OPW believes that this is a new designation. Discussion required with the KCC Conservation Officer.


Caherciveen Legal Aid Board (B8175)

Killorglin GS (B2207

Waterville GS (B3886) and Iveragh Coastguard (B8368)

Former Garda Station in Dun Geagain near Ballinskelligs (B200)

Kilgarvan former national school (B2152)

The former National School and Garda Station (B2290) site in Knightstown

The derelict L shaped row of terraced former cottages (B2288) in Knightstown


Caherciveen Legal Aid Board (B8175) The Caherciveen Legal Aid Board is a Security conscious property and site and therefore we may need

to make submissions on any proposed development on either of these two sites.

Killorglin GS (B2207) Discussion required with the KCC Conservation Officer regarding the designation

Waterville GS (B3886) and Iveragh Coastguard (B8368) Discussion required with the KCC Conservation Officer.

Former Garda Station in Dun Geagain near Ballinskelligs (B200) It is only leased currently to a Community Group. It may again revert

to state use in the future. Therefore the proposed zoning needs to be discussed.

Kilgarvan former national school (B2152) OPW believes that this is a new designation. Discussion required with the KCC Conservation Officer.

The former National School and Garda Station (B2290) site in Knightstown OPW believes that this is a new designation. Discussion required with the KCC Conservation Officer.

The derelict L shaped row of terraced former cottages (B2288) in Knightstown OPW believes that this is a new designation. Discussion required with the KCC Conservation Officer.

Main reasons: 

Caherciveen Legal Aid Board (B8175) There are two ‘Opportunity sites’ on either side of the Caherciveen Legal Aid Board which KCC are hoping will be developed as part of a proposed waterfront development emphasis in the town.

Killorglin GS (B2207) is still denoted as a protected structure and is within an ACA

Waterville GS (B3886) and Iveragh Coastguard (B8368) are not denoted as

protected structures and they are not located in an ACA. There are however a number of protected structures and an ACA immediately adjacent to our site.

Former Garda Station in Dun Geagain near Ballinskelligs (B200) has been zoned ‘Community Facilities’ as per the land use zoning map on page 178. This is an OPW owned property.

Kilgarvan former national school (B2152) has been designated as a protected structure

The former National School and Garda Station (B2290) site in Knightstown has been designated as a protected structure.

The derelict L shaped row of terraced former cottages (B2288) in Knightstown have been designated as protected structures.