Proposed UNESCO designation - Western Valentia, encompassed area is too large and no communication was involved prior to plan publication

Section 2

30th October, 2023.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Proposed UNESCO plan, Bray, Western Valentia Island - Draft Kenmare Municipal District Local Area Plan KENMD 24

A proposal has been submitted to the Kenmare Municipal District Local Area plan which will designate an area to the west of Valentia Island as an UNESCO site.

This submission was done in a clandestine manner without any consultation or notification to any of the impacted property owners. I only discovered its existence over a week ago and am shocked how it could have been elevated to this stage without any transparent communication with the property holders directly involved.

I fail to understand why my farm would be considered for inclusion in this plan; it has no historical or outstanding features and certainly is not of any public interest.

Farming is difficult enough in this climate and environment without being subjected to any other restrictions. My family have been on this land and farmed and respected it for several generations.

Within the plan, it states that “It is the intention of the KCC to work with local landowners”. The current situation is very much in breach of this statement as property owners in this proposed area have had no communication from either KCC or other third parties.

I note the corresponding sea area is included on the map but on the published draft plan there is no mention or reference to what this means. In light of the local boat users, ie fishermen, Skelligs boat operators and leisure users, there should be clarity and transparency on whatever implications there might be.  It is certainly not a comprehensive plan nor does it state clear objectives for the marine area.

Furthermore, putting a viewing area on the rooftop of the Bray Head signal Tower and its surrounds is not conservation. This is not in keeping with the environment or its significance.

There is no need to encompass such a large area for UNESCO (H&CSA) designation. In an area struggling to keep its inhabitants, this could have a detrimental effect. This plan needs to be reviewed with proper analysis and consultation.

I object both to the manner in which this plan was derived and to the inclusion of my property in this.

Yours sincerely,

Donal Murphy


My concerns are outlined in my comment above.


The plan needs to be reviewed with proper analysis and consultation.

Main reasons: 

The proposed encompassed area is too large and no consultation took place with impacted property owners.