Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
David Lyons

Section 2

Dear Sir/Madam,



We are writing to firmly express our opposition to the H&CSA designation proposed for the Valentia Island and Portmagee areas as outlined on Pages 30-31 of the Draft Kenmare Municipal District Local Area Plan 2023-2029 (LAP).

As young residents, landowners and local farmers of the Corabeg area with the hope of raising a family and settling in Valentia, we were distraught at hearing that our land was included in the LAP as a H&CSA designation.

Our knowledge (lack of) and KCC consultation to date

We first heard of the proposed UNESCO project on the 19th of September through text message locally where we discovered red lines were drawn around our land with the intention for it to become a H&CSA designation. We must stress, as landowners we were not consulted by any representative of KCC prior to creating these red lines, proposing a UNECSO project or issuing of the LAP.

The next opportunity for the KCC to meet the landowners was at a meeting hosted by the IFA in Valentia on the 13th of October. It was a very well attended meeting with young couples, landowners and local residents yet there was NO representative from KCC in attendance, as a result, no answers or guidance was provided. Attendees were forced to carry out their own research and were left to make their own assumptions on the technical language used (H&CSA) in the LAP as it has no precedence. There was broad consensus that the red lines on the maps of the LAP (H&CSA Designation) would constrain sustainable, locally driven development in these areas.

We are appalled with the lack of engagement from the KCC with the local community and landowners. Landowners are significant stakeholders and should be informed and consulted.

Our Concerns

We cannot comprehend the need for the proposed designation as our land is not visible from the Telegraph Field. It has no historical or outstanding features and certainly is not of any public interest. KCC have not outlined the implications this H&CSA may have on our land, therefore, if the H&CSA will have no added restrictions, why is our land included within this proposed designation?

Our hope is to raise a family on this land and one day pass it on to our own kids who may one day build a house in the same location. The proposed H&CSA will impede and restrict the development of this section of land, please see attached map highlighted in BLUE.

There is a huge level of fear of what’s to come down the track should this designation be implemented. It is already very difficult to obtain planning for any development on the island given the current restrictions in place, with the added H&CSA it gives little or no hope for future development. Kerry TD has also mentioned at the public meeting, this designation will sterilise our land and the land adjacent to the red lines which is unacceptable. This is particularly concerning for us and other farmers/residents that they may face hurdles in terms of growth opportunities due to this designation. Farming is difficult enough in this climate without being subject to any other restrictions.


The introduction of the H&CSA designation would undoubtedly contribute to a further decline in population in an area already hugely affected by rural depopulation. Kerry County Council should be trying to make it easier for young couples like us to return to the area to settle and work in Portmagee and Valentia and not be imposing further restrictions and putting additional obstacles and deterrents in their way.

I trust Kerry County Council will act on the concerns outlined above and remove the H&CSA designations from the draft LAP.


Yours faithfully,

Leona & David Lyons