Inclusion of an Upgrade to the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Portmagee as part of the Draft Kenmare Municipal District Local Area Plan 2023-2029


Dear Sir/Madam in the Kerry County Council Senior Planning Unit,


The Draft Kenmare Municipal District Local Area Plan 2023-2029 (LAP) outlines eight overall objectives for Portmagee on Pages 199-200.


Despite having stated on Page 199, in Section, regarding Water and Wastewater Management in Portmagee, that:


“There is a primary settlement tank in the village. The treatment is by means of a septic tank and outlet into the bay. The system is currently inadequate and capital investment is therefore required to upgrade the system”


The upgrading of the Wastewater Treatment Plan has not been prioritised by Kerry County Council as one of the main objectives to achieve over the next 6 years in Portmagee as part of the LAP.


The Council concedes that the existing treatment plant is not adequate to service the needs of the village. In the past, this issue has become an even bigger problem in the busy summer months when tourist accommodations were full and seasonal house rentals were full. However, now that the some of the tourist accommodations and most of the seasonal house rentals are full all year round, it has become a big problem all year round.

It has also proved quite difficult to get the Council to empty the treatment plant when it is full.

The outdated nature of the operation of the treatment plant “outlet into the bay” is beyond scandalous in this day and age. I hear local fisherman declaring that shellfish stocks in the harbour/channel have declined.

Notwithstanding that, the Portmagee Channel is a Special Area of Conservation and is protected by the National Parks and Wildlife Service. And yet, this operation is set to continue as is for the next six years.

Kerry County Council must make the upgrade to the Wastewater Treatment plant in Portmagee a priority in the Draft LAP 2023-2029 immediately.


Additionally, it is stated on Page 198 that:


“Portmagee has not been given a specific population growth and housing target under the Core Strategy of the KCDP, consequently lands have not been zoned for R1 (Proposed Residential). However suitably located lands have been identified and zoned as R4 (Strategic Residential Reserve) to ensure that the long-term residential needs of the village can be met. These lands can be unlocked and developed when the wastewater infrastructure is upgraded.”


Consequently, unless and until the Wastewater Treatment Plant is upgraded, any area zoned as R4 will not be considered for development. Where and when are people going to build houses? Portmagee, like many other rural areas, is suffering from depopulation but how can we attract people to come and live and work and raise their families in Portmagee if we can’t provide them with a home?


Portmagee village is also severely lacking a children’s playground, and we are also devoid of a car park capable of servicing the needs of the village and easing traffic management concerns during the busy summer season.

However, I acknowledge on Page 199 of the LAP in Section on Natural Environment & Recreational Amenity, it states:


“Some small amenity areas are located adjacent to the harbour. Lands have been identified for community facilities, zoned S3, to the south of the Community Centre, where an amenity area could form part of an overall development that may also include a car park.”


I also welcome that in Kerry County Council’s overall objectives for Portmagee on Page 199, the LAP states:


KENMD-PE-2 Facilitate the sustainable development of a park and playground within the village at an appropriate location.”

KENMD-PE-8 Facilitate the sustainable development of new car parking facilities in the village at an appropriate location.”



In conclusion, it is more than evident that Kerry County Council must review the Draft Kenmare Municipal District Local Area Plan 2023-2029 to include a major Upgrade to the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Portmagee as one of their main objectives.



Gloria O’Driscoll