Submissions by topics "Forbairtí Cloigíní iSráidbhailte agus Lonnaíochtaí"Subscribe to Submissions by topics "Forbairtí Cloigíní iSráidbhailte agus Lonnaíochtaí"

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It should be policy by Kerry County Council to ensure adequate services are in place, such as public sewerage schemes, public water connections,  connectivity from housing clusters to the village,...
As outlined in the previous observation in relation to Town & Villages, Farranfore is ideally positioned and has the required services available to support sustainable and approproite rural...
Knockaderry National School, Little Acorns preschool & After School provide education services to the surrounding catchment area of Farranfore village. The admission numbers depend on young...
Submission to County Development 2022-2028 Coiste Forbartha na Sceilge is a voluntary development organisation which covers the Ballinskelligs area. It deals with the economic, social and...