Submissions by topics "Land Use Zoning"Subscribe to Submissions by topics "Land Use Zoning"

Please see attached cover letter
Please find attached letter and associated map
  I wish to make the following observations on the above
1.    Renewable Energy Zoning
The County Development Plan states Kerry produces 18% of all wind electricity in the country...
Zoning of lands at Model Farm, Clieveragh and Curraghtoosane, Listowel.
The purpose of this submission is to request that these sites be placed on a register of sites within unfinished estates that the Planning Authority will look favourably upon granting permission in...
Include Mrs Fearon's land, at Killahane, Fieries, within the Fieries settlement boundary and Zone as ‘Industrial, Enterprise and Employment’.
Zoning of lands at Banshagh, Killorglin
Re-zone Land in Abbeydorney Village Co.Kerry from Educational to part Residential/ part Educational See attachment for full basis of submission
Amendment requested to Tralee Zoning Map.   Residential zoning of two sites in Cloghers which previously benefitted from planning consent and are within walking distance of the town centre...
Please find attached letter and associated map.