Lands at Caherweesheen, Tralee on behalf of O'Flynn Construction Co.

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
McCutcheon Halley
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 
McCutcheon Halley

Litir Chumhdaigh

This submission has been prepared by McCutcheon Halley Chartered

Planning Consultants on behalf of O'Flynn Construction Co. the owners of

approx. 26 hectares of lands located at Caherweesheen, Tralee, Co. Kerry, in

response to public notices inviting submissions from third parties and

interested parties on the Kerry County Development Plan review in

accordance with the Planning and Development Act 2000. Our client

welcomes the opportunity to participate in the plan making process which

will inform the future development of the area within the lifetime of the plan

and beyond.


1.12 Land Use Zoning, Zoning Maps and Flood Maps


Please refer to the attached submission


The forthcoming Kerry County Development Plan 2022-2028 should be the first consolidated Plan for the entire functional area of Kerry County Council in that the functional areas of the former Town Council Towns and the settlements contained within the current Municipal District Local Area Plans should also be incorporated into the new County Development Plan. In this regard, the new County Development Plan should replace not just the current County Development Plan (as varied) but also all of the Town Development Plans and the Municipal District Local Area Plans made in 2018.

In the 2007 Tralee Hub Local Area Plan our clients’ lands were zoned for a mix of Low and Medium Density Residential development.
 In the subsequent Tralee Killarney Hub Functional Areas Local Area Plan 2013-2019 our clients’ lands were de-zoned in their entirety. Their lands remained dezoned in the Tralee Municipal District Local Area Plan (MDLAP) 2018-2024. The justification given for the de-zoning was based solely on a quantitative assessment and the premise that sufficient lands were zoned for residential development within the former Tralee Town Council administrative area. We fundamentally disagree with this strategy and believe it is one of the main contributing factors to Tralee’s poor performance in relation to house construction/completions, since the adoption of the 2013 LAP. We believe that the previous residential zoning of our clients’ lands in Caherweesheen should be re-instated in the forthcoming CDP for the following reasons:  
▪ Land supply: To address the failure of existing zoned lands to deliver
housing development in Tralee; 
▪ Housing mix/density: To provide a more appropriate housing mix
and range of residential densities for the town; 
▪ Suitability: The previous (2007) LAP identified the suitability of lands
in Caherweesheen for high quality and lower density residential
▪ Deliverability: O'Flynn Construction is one of Irelands largest
housing providers and has a proven track record in delivering high
quality housing. 

Overall, we believe our clients lands have a very important role in the future
development of Tralee and that the previous residential zoning on our clients’
lands included in the 2007 LAP, should be re-instated in the forthcoming
Tralee MDLAP 2018-2024. 


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