Chapter 10: Tourism & Outdoor Recreation

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Fiona Lyne

Chapter 10: Tourism & Outdoor Recreation

I would like to support Valentia's bid for inclusion in the Irish Tentative list and eventual inscription as a UNESCO World Heritage site along with its counterpart at Hearts Content in Newfoundland. I believe that the regeneration of the Cable Station building as part of this process can bring sustainable employment to the area as well as recognising the historical status of Valentia as a critical player in modern communications.

For this to be successful, Knightstown village needs to be a living settlement, with associated commercial and social activity in order to attract people to the region, beyond tourists. Currently many houses are occupied only as short term rentals, second homes or are left empty for long periods or even left to become derelict. The village has a shortage of food outlets and other amenities and development potential is being limited by planning rules. Without commercial activity and the development of our rural towns and villages, then it is hard to see how government policy to effect regeneration in rural Ireland will be possible.

In order to regenerate Knightstown to its former glory, the village needs to reflect the social needs of the year-round residents. If we are to attract and keep young people in rural Ireland, to live, work and to make their homes here in line with government policy then we need to ensure that affordable housing, amenities and social outlets are part of the agenda. Much focus is put on the historical significance and the tourism potential of achieving UNESCO designation, but I believe the focus should shift to the sustainable development of the area and bringing Knightstown and Valentia back to its former glory with a bustling, vibrant, young population and as place that is recognised for innovation just as it was in the last century.

I believe that some reassurance that the Council has plans for the economic and social development of the village beyond securing UNESCO designation is required, and that those plans are co-designed with the people that are living and working in the area and are invested in Valentia’s success as a place to live year around and not just visit during summer months.