

Zoning Map

Valentia Harbour
As per attached submission.
Consideration for RNLI Lifeboat within Knightstown Marina
See attached letter
To fully exploit the opportunities which the UNESCO designation will undoubtedly deliver
The provision of adequate statutory protections for the ensemble of relevant sites including the Cable Station complex and Slate Yard at Knightstown with a view to preserving the natural boundaries...
Property to be zoned as Mixed Use
We submit that the site of Dungail house (Folio No. KY540085F, 0.28 Hectares) at the promenade at Knightstown, Valentia and the adjacent site (Folio No. KY74451F, 0.17 Hectares) be zoned in the plan...
Concern over restrictive boundaries
I would like to express my concern at the very restrictive village boundaries that are shown on the draft plan. The boundaries as they stand on the plan do not allow for the development of...