Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Michelle Carmody

Chapter 12: Energy


Michelle Carmody,


Co. Kerry.



21 February 2022


To whom it may concern,


Kerry County Development Plan 2022 – 2028 and my submission is related to the areas outlined in the Duagh area as open to Consideration/Maps.  Volume 4 – Maps, Map C in the Duagh area.

We live on an elevated site and already in every direction and in every vista there is a wind farm, now the area marked out on the map will be directly in front of our house and at a proximity to our house that we are in no way comfortable with for many reasons.

Firstly we believe that it will have a serious negative effect on the value of the property. Kerry is already producing over 30% of the wind energy for the region and where is it going to stop?  It seems that there is very little consideration given to the people who build their homes in the country.  We are concerned about the infrastructure in the area not being suitable for such a project, the roads in the area are already very busy and hardly fit for purpose.

We also have concerns over the health implications of such a project, several concerns have been raised about the impact on people’s mental health, the flicker that comes from the windfarms as well as the considerable noise omitted. We have family friends that live in close proximity to a wind farm and they expressed how shocked at not only the sheer size and unsightliness of these turbines but the level of noise being omitted has had a negative effect on their day to day lives. We have 2 young children in the house and it would be remiss of me not to raise these concerns on their behalf.

Consideration must also be given to the fact that windfarms on every hillside in the county are having a very detrimental effect on the beauty of the county as awhole. Kerry is world famous as a holiday destination, bringing tourists in their droves from every corner and what brings them is the unspoilt natural beauty of our countryside.

