Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Cllr. Michael Cahill

Chapter 14: Connectivity

I wish to make 2 submissions 


The first to help try and protect the general public from intrusive masts being erected in close proximity to family homes and residential areas, both with and without Planning Permission, ie, exempted development.


The second is in regard to the refusal of Planning applications on National Primary and Secondary roads. I wish to oppose the national and regional policy in the new County Development Plan development by supporting landowners sons and daughters, especially those who apply for Planning permission on an existing roadway leading onto a National Primary or Secondary road. I understand that agencies including the Irish Planning Institute, Transport Infrastructure Ireland and the Regional Authorities, An Bórd Pleanála and the Office of the Planning Regulator insist the proposed ban is in the interest of proper rural development. However, I believe this to be totally unjust and discriminatory.