Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Delores McGlynn

Chapter 4: Towns & Villages

Adjacent to Primary school in Milltown is a field zoned for education and community purposes, we wish  that field should be zoned only for education purposes and the county council remove the community zoning from the planning section.  There a plan for  31 houses and Medical centre. Also it has been suggesting it could be community housing.


 The entrance to Ballyoughtragh Hgts North is used as a parking area school hour's morning and afternoon with no consideration for the residents of our estate which has housing of over 60 houses and plan for more.

There is not enough parking for parents safety to drop off and pick up there children.

There is many near misses and there has been a few accidents at the entrance to the estate.

Cars have to come to Phase one of the estate to turn about to exit the estate wish is very stressful for parents and children if they are out doors playing. Some of these cars speed and not looking out for children at play.There will be injury's in the future if this plan is not stopped.

The school has very limited parking spaces. There's planning for more classrooms for the school, with the growing population in Milltown where is the car space for there people morning and afternoon.

There are 65 plus houses ready to commence build in the next week/ month . These houses will be directly across from the entrance to the primary school. More people more children where are they going to park in the school hours. More population , we need to plan with caution.Where is the safety, consideration for the well-being of all the residents in this area, without additional houses.

My proposal is to remove the community wording from the zoning of the field next to primary school.
Educational zoning only.

Much Appreciated.

Delores&Declan McGlynn.