Aighneacht: Go dtabharfaí tús áite do riachtanais forbartha an phobail áitiúil thar riachtanais an turasóra.

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Todhchaí na Tuaithe
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 
Todhchaí na Tuaithe

Litir Chumhdaigh

Is maith ann é a bheith ag díriú ar an dturasóireacht mar áis chun forbairt a dhéanamh i saol na Gaeltachta ach níor chóir go mbeadh sé ina bhac ar mhuintir na háite maireachtaint ina mbailte agus ar a dtalamh féin. Mara bhfaigheann muintir na háite tús áite ar an dturasóir aon lae, tá an chairt roimis an gcapall. Má neartaíonn tú pobal na Gaeltachta féin, idir teanga, ceol agus daonra, cuirfidh tú le harineáil na turasóireachta. Creidimid má thugann tú tus áite don nduine áitiúil gur ar mhaithe leis an dturasóir atá tú, mar an turasóir a thiocfaidh agus a bhraithfidh an oidhreacht is luachmhaire dá bhfuil againn beo isna daoine, .i. an teanga, beidh dhá oiread seans go bhfillfidh sé.

It is good that tourism is targeted for development within the life of the Gaeltacht but this should not be done at the expense of hindering the local population from living in homes on their own land. If local people are not given priority over tourists on daytrips and Sunday drives, we are putting the cart is before the horse. If Gaeltacht communities themselves are strengthened and encouraged in their language, music and way of life, this will contribute to the growth of tourism. We believe that giving priority to the local person is advantageous to the tourist who comes to experience the richest live heritage we possess as a community, i.e. the Irish language, and that this multiplies the chance that they will return.


Chapter 8: Gaeltacht Areas, Culture & Heritage

Seandálaíocht: cé go bhfáiltímid go fonnmhar roim moltaí na Comhairle go gcuirfí seandálaíocht san áireamh i gcúrsaí pleanála (lch. 120, 8.3.2), braithimid gur chóir cosaint na teangan a bheith ar aon leibhéal le cosaint ár seandálaíochta. Mara mbeadh go bhfuil meas ag muintir na háite ar an seandálaíocht cheana féin, bheadh an oidhreacht san imithe le fán fadó. Ní theastaíonn uainn go ndéanfaí cnámh spairne den seandálaíocht i dtaobh cúrsaí pleanála agus go n-úsáidfí í mar chonstaic i gcoinne muintir na háite agus na Gaelainne, fé mar a bhagraíonn an léarscáil ar lch. 121 den ndréachtphlean. 

Roinnimid go léir an oidhreacht so agus más amhlaidh a chaithfear scrúdú seandálaíochta a dhéanamh ar láthair tí, iarraimid gur ar an gComhairle a thitfeadh an costas san.

Archaeology: while we warmly welcome the Council’s recommendations that archaeology be part of planning concerns (p. 120, 8.3.2), we argue that the protection of the language should be given equal status to archaeological protection. If local people had no appreciation of their historical monuments, that aspect of their heritage would be long gone. We do not wish to see archaeology become a bone of contention with regard to planning and hope that it will not be used as an impediment against locals and their language, as the map on p. 121 of the Draft Development Plan portends.

We all share this heritage and if an archaeological survey is required on a proposed site, the cost involved should be met by the Council itself.



Chapter 5: Rural Housing


Tithe Saoire: ní ceart go n-úsáidfí líon na dtithe saoire i mbailte fearainn na Gaeltachta mar chúis ná ligfí do dhuine ón áit tógaint insa bhaile sin. Cothaíonn sé seo easaontais idir lucht na dtithe saoire seo, go bhfáiltíomar riamh rompu, agus cosmhuintir na háite atá ag iarraidh tógaint inniubh. Má tá dearúd déanta, ní hiad muíntir na háite a dhein é ach an Chomhairle a cheadaigh na tithe saoire seo a thógaint an chéad lá riamh agus anois níl sé ceart ná cothrom an dearúd san thógaint orainne, muintir na háite atá ag maireachtaint anso mar a dhein ár sínsir rómhainn.

Holiday Homes: the number of holiday homes in Gaeltacht townlands should not be used as a reason for refusal of planning to local people. Such decisions foster disunity and tensions between holiday home people (whom we have always welcomed) and the local people wishing to build homes for themselves. If mistakes have been made, it is not the local people who made them but the Council who granted permissions for holiday homes in the first place, and the local community should not now be made to pay for those mistakes by being prevented from living in the same place as their ancestors before them.


Chapter 10: Tourism & Outdoor Recreation



Radharcanna .i. views and prospects: le blianta fada anois is iad na radharcanna, nó na views and prospects, ceann dosna cúiseanna is coitianta a chuireann bac ar an nduine áitiúil maireachtaint ina bhaile féin. Braitheann muintir na Gaeltachta go forleathan anois go bhfaigheann radharcanna an turasóra tús áite thar riachtanaisí cónaithe an duine áitiúil agus thar inmharthanacht na teangan sa cheantar. Caithfidh meon na Comhairle ina thaobh so athrú.

Views and Prospects: for many years now ‘views and prospects’ are the most common reason given to local people for refusal of planning permission on their own land. Gaeltacht people now firmly believe that views for the tourist are prioritised over the accommodation requirements of the local person and with total disregard of the language of the area. This mindset of the Council must change.



Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 