Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Screen Kerry
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Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 
Screen Kerry

Litir Chumhdaigh

Screen Kerry, the Kerry Film Development Office, works to develop the Screen Industry in the county, including the Film, TV, Animation & Games sectors. Screen Kerry welcomes the publication of the Draft Kerry County Development Plan and the opportunity to make a submission on the Economic Growth potential of the Screen Sector in the county.


Chapter 9: Economic Development



“Worldwide screen content production is one of the fastest growing industries in the world”, according to the Government Commissioned Olsberg SPI Report. In June 2018 the Government launched an Audio-visual Action Plan aiming to double the amount of workers in this sector by 2024.  There is currently a focus by the Government & Screen Ireland on developing the regions outside Dublin/Wicklow in order to reach the full potential of the Screen Industries in the country. This includes the competitive tax incentive of 35% for regional filmmaking. The Irish film, television and animation sector currently has a gross value added of €692 million.

Kerry is well placed to grow this sector. We benefit from the highly competitive tax rebate rate of 35% for regional film production. We have outstanding scenery to offer as film locations, an excellent service industry able to provide the required accommodation, transport & catering required and we have high-quality film skills training in the county. Investment in studio infrastructure, a regionally based crewbase & a regional incentives can put us in a highly competitive position to build on recent success and draw more film business to the county, creating more employment.



Chapter 9 – Economic Growth

9.1.1 – Economic Resilience

The plan outlines that The economic crisis caused by COVID-19 has had widespread, rapid and profound economic consequences globally. In particular, the Kerry economy has been negatively exposed to the impacts of COVID-19. The dominant economic sectors in Kerry are tourism and related services, wholesale and retail (and others).”

The Film Production Industry proved to be particularly resilient during the pandemic. High levels of production took place globally & nationally to supply the amount of film and TV content required by the streamers, Netflix, Apple TV, Disney+ etc. The film industry put measures in place to ensure work could take place safely & continue during Level 5 restrictions. At film locations, tourism operators supplied accommodation, transport & catering. Kerry had two Feature Films shoot in the county during 2021 and has the potential to bring considerably more production to the county, in search of stunning locations & a competitive tax rebate. Providing services for the film industry is a further income stream for tourism service providers and a useful way to diversify the sector.

There is real potential within Kerry to have a vibrant Screen Industry in the county. There is a range of skilled professionals across all film departments, (Camera / Sound / Lighting / Electrical / Script Supervision / Grip / Rigging / AD / Art Dept / Construction / Costume / Hair & MUP / Locations / Special FX / Stunt / Production Dept / Accounts), who currently work throughout Ireland. Developing the sector in Kerry will enable many of these to return & work locally.


There is also a small but healthy sector of Kerry based production companies that produce top quality content for national broadcasters from the county. Developing the local crew-base through Kerry ETB training schemes, MTU education programmes and partnerships with Screen Ireland, alongside developing studio infrastructure in the county, will enable these companies to produce more in Kerry and will support their economic growth.

The Film Sector, including Animation & Games is part of the knowledge economy. As more people move towards remote working and leave the cities in search of a quality of life and affordable house prices, the Animation & Games sectors is one that can provide employment for them. Kerry already has a number of animators working in the county, including an animation production company that has set up in Tralee. Kerry is part of the Munster Animation Forum which is working towards developing the Animation Sector in the Region and creating the business environment for more companies to set up here. This is an excellent time to invest in the Animation & Game Sector in Kerry & build on the employment opportunities that exist.



Chapter 9: Economic Development

9.2 Policy Context 

The National Development Plan 2030 in a section on “Economic Recovery & Resilience: highlights that “The Department is increasingly focusing on promoting creative industries and skills, one of the fastest growing economic sectors worldwide.” (pg 77)

The "Future Jobs Ireland Report 2019, Preparing now for tomorrow’s economy", outlines the intention to “develop appropriate requirements and solutions to ensure that the new regional uplift in the film tax relief delivers a highly skilled audio-visual workforce in the regions. “(pg 61)

Growing the Screen Sector in Kerry fits well with objectives in the National Development Plan.


Chapter 9: Economic Development

9.2.3 Local Policy

County  Kerry’s COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan 2021

County Kerry’s COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan 2021 has been developed in response to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic and provides an overall framework for the economic development of the County in the short to medium term.

The Plan focuses on the broad themes of Digital Transformation, the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy, building on Kerry’s Natural Resources and the necessary Training and Education to support these structural changes.

The Economic Recovery Plan for Kerry 2021 recognises the strength of the Screen Industries and the growth potential in the county. It outlines actions to “attract, support & develop the Screen Sector in the county & ensure Kerry’s competitiveness in attracting film opportunities”. This focus should also be reflected in the Economic Growth section of the County Development Plan.

Chapter 9: Economic Development

Economic Sectors & Opportunities

In summary, as evidenced by the National Development Plan 2030, the Screen Industries are a growth industry and an employer of the future. Kerry has the potential to build on recent success and grow employment in the Film, TV, Animation & Games Sector by investing in this sector now. It is our submission that this sector, the Screen Industry, should be recognised in the Economic Sectors & Opportunities section (9.7) of the County Development Plan.

Chapter 9: Economic Development

KCDP 9-43 - The facilitation and support of digital hubs, start-ups and centres of excellence with particular opportunities for innovation in the creative industries & knowledge economy (among others) is very welcome. Creative hubs where people working in the Screen Industries, eg Producers, Graphic Designers & Editors, can network and drive business to each other are an excellent way to ensure we capitalise on the potential in the county and support these professionals in growing their business.


Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
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