Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Kerry Green Party

Chapter 5: Rural Housing

We strongly support the reinvigoration of rural towns and hubs. 

PROPOSAL: In Section 5.7, add an objective: “Disincentivise the possession of second homes, even in towns, by requiring long-term residency and connection to locality through work and/or culture in all instances. The building of second homes or holiday homes should not be permitted unless year-round occupation (through letting or shared residency) is demonstrated. 

RATIONALE: Given the limited supply and unaffordability of housing to working young people, there should be a strong commitment to disincentivise second homes. A sensible and fair way of increasing the supply of housing and thus the affordability of housing would be to disencentivize the buying of second homes, as one person’s second home is another person’s homelessness. 


PROPOSAL: In Section 5.4, add an objective: “Ensure that cluster developments are safe for children and active travel through a focus on permeability, walk/cycleways, speed reduction to 30km/h, and active travel management.” 

RATIONALE: Alongside strengthening the vibrancy of towns and villages comes an obligation to make these hubs safe for active travel and children. Strong planning and appropriate infrastructure are necessary to achieve this. 


PROPOSAL: In section 5.5.2, add an objective, “In rural areas under urban influence, and particularly in Gaeltacht areas, priority and weighting should be given to those actively involved in local cultural activities (music and creative arts) as well as with fluency or demonstrable interest in the Irish language.” 

RATIONALE: A shared culture is often a key aspect of thriving communities, and those actively engaging in cultural activities, including use of the Irish language, should be supported in entering into and becoming a part of rural communities under urban influence. This would also have the added benefit of bringing culturally active people together to enhance their local communities.