Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Kerry Green Party

Chapter 11: Environment

PROPOSAL: Add an objective, “Breaches of legislation to protect Kerry’s environment will be prosecuted by KCC or a report will be sent to the relevant body for prosecution, which will be supported by KCC. Cases of malpractice by contractors must be prosecuted”. 

RATIONALE: Enforcement of environmental law is a vital issue which must not be overlooked. The destruction of Kerry’s natural environment should not be taken lightly, and anyone breaking environmental laws should be held to account to demonstrate that it is not acceptable to bypass environmental law and harm the environment. 


PROPOSAL: Add an objective, “The public is encouraged to submit observations of illegal habitat destruction or malpractice which impedes on the integrity of the county’s biodiversity”. 

RATIONALE: Due to the dispersed populations living in rural areas in Kerry, it can be difficult for the Gardaí to become aware of breaches of environmental law. The Gardaí should be supported to carry out their duties by the wider public as much as possible. One obvious way to do this would be to encourage the public to submit observations of illegal habitat destruction. This would also allow the people of Kerry to become more active in the protection of Kerry’s biodiversity. 


PROPOSAL: Add an objective, “Empower local communities to tackle climate action. Work with Transition Kerry to build on the work done to-date in building a network of sustainable communities.” 

RATIONALE: The Transition Kerry network of individuals and groups has the potential to share knowledge and resources and empower each other. They can tackle many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at a local level in a way that is relevant for their community. The network should be supported by the local authority for the sustainability services they provide to Kerry and to enhance those same services. 


PROPOSAL:  In section 11.2.3, Wetlands Support, add an objective, “Protect and enhance wetlands as nature-based solutions to flood management, climate change, and the biodiversity crisis.” 

RATIONALE: Wetlands can provide benefits with regard to water shortage, flood management, water treatment, enhancing biodiversity and carbon storage. The ecosystem services provided by wetlands should be valued and capitalized on. Land use and management systems that take no account of the importance of maintaining and protecting wetlands, and thus inevitably lead to the degradation of wetlands, should be discouraged. 


PROPOSAL: In section 11.2.4, Invasive Species, add two objectives:  

  • “Raise awareness of the rhododendron crisis and actively support any groups endeavouring to eradicate invasive species in the Killarney National Park (particularly Rhododendron), such as Groundwork.” 

  • “Develop an invasive species policy for Kerry, to include a public and contractor awareness campaign, as well as public species recording and guidance on what to do when invasive species are discovered.” 

RATIONALE: There is no reference to rhododendron in the KCDP, which is a surprising omission considering that rhododendron is one of the major challenges facing one of Kerry’s key environment and tourism locations, Killarney National Park. The policy refers to ‘managing’ invasive species, but this is not a strong enough position considering the drastic state of the rhododendron situation in Killarney. The first policy objective proposed would acknowledge the crisis and show that the Kerry local authority is treating it seriously and supporting the efforts of local volunteers that invest significant time and energy into tackling the problem. The second objective proposed would address the fact that the eradication of invasive species requires long term and coordinated strategic policies and planning and cannot be fully addressed by piecemeal measures. 


PROPOSAL: In section11.2.6, add an objective: “Identify biodiversity hotspots in proximity to each other which could benefit from creation of ecological corridors and actively seek to create these corridors.” 

RATIONALE: Development that is undertaken without regard for biodiversity often has a negative impact on biodiversity through the fragmentation of ecosystems. This fragmentation can be addressed by the creation of ecological corridors that allow animals to move between biodiverse areas and maintain their ecosystems. This proposal would be an efficient and affordable way of enhancing the biodiversity in Kerry. 


PROPOSAL: In section 11.2.8, Woodlands and Trees, add the following three objectives:  

  • Create native woodlands which are accessible to all by supporting communities and working with stakeholders. 

  • All schools in the county must be made within walking distance of a native woodland amenity. To this end, the council will support initiatives aimed at creating these woodlands (suitable sites can be identified through mapping exercises). 

  • Survey all council lands, and where suitable for planting, native species are to be planted to create woodland amenities. 

RATIONALE: A paltry percent of land in Ireland is native woodland. Native woodland is culturally and aesthetically important, and is critical for biodiversity. Native woodland also has carbon storage benefits, and is a source of enjoyment for many, allowing for walking in engaging with nature. Native woodlands can also be a source of wonder and education for children. Native woodlands should be made accessible to all to allow everyone the opportunity to benefit from the benefits of native woodlands, and the council should have a role in ensuring this is the case in Kerry. 


PROPOSAL: In section 11.2.8, Woodlands and Trees, add an objective, “Penalise destruction of native woodlands and trees Under Wildlife Act 1976 to 2018 and Forestry Act 2014.” 

RATIONALE: As stated above, native woodland is culturally and aesthetically important, and is critical for biodiversity. Native woodland also has carbon storage benefits. Illegal destruction of native woodlands and trees should not be countenanced and should be penalized with the full rigour of the law. Historical lack of enforcement of the Wildlife Act means that it is necessary to include an explicit objective around this. 


PROPOSAL: In section 11.3, add an objective, “Ensure KCC’s procurement policy for new equipment meets best practice on air and noise pollution. 

RATIONALE: The health and environmental consequences of air and noise pollution are well-documented, and any new equipment should not cause unnecessary air and noise pollution. A policy is required to ensure this is the case going forward.  


Chapter 12: Energy | Kerry County Council (kerrycoco.ie) 

PROPOSAL: In section 12.2, Gas Network, add the following objective: “Not support any gas infrastructure that is in any way tied to fracking, such as Shannon LNG.” 

RATIONALE: It is current government policy that LNG infrastructure should not be progressed until an energy review has taken place. This proposal aligns the KCDP with government policy. If this policy is not included in the plan, it would be difficult to argue that the plan is in line with government policy.