Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Paudie Lynch

5. Record of Protected Structures

To whom it may concern,

I am contacting you regarding the UNESCO designation of the Valentia Island Cable Station (and its environs) to express my concern. 

Further work on UNESCO designation of the Valentia Island cable station should be halted until the island people are consulted and a vote is taken. I am deeply concerned with the lack of information and consultation provided by the UNESCO foundation and the associated local private development company. 

Furthermore, I am an affected property owner of the two-story house in Farranreagh, Knightstown which is proposed to be put on the list of protective structures (without consultation). This was previously delisted from the register of protected structures by a democratic vote of Kerry County Council. I am strongly requesting that this be removed from the list. 

I would hope that you would consider this submission as it will have a grave impact on the future development of the village and the island as a whole.

Paudie Lynch