Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
MacGillycuddy Reeks Mountain Access Forum

Chapter 10: Tourism & Outdoor Recreation

The MacGillycuddy Reeks Forum welcome its inclusion in the objectives of the proposed draft of the county development plan 2022-2028



We make this Submission on behalf of the MacGillycuddy reeks Mountain access forum


 The scope of our submission is limited to access to and protection of environment and countryside and the provision sustainable and appropriate permissive access to the MacGillycuddy Reeks 



We submit that:

The county development plan Recognise and support the role of farmers as custodians of the natural resources of the countryside and the rural landscapes


As uplands are privately owned land access to the Reeks will be continued using the national policy of the permissive access model currently in place


Commonage and other rough grazing land should be managed with consideration of the sensitive habitats that these areas often contain e.g. wet heath, dry heath and blanket bog. Recreation in these areas should be conducted and facilitated with regard to this provided the necessary permissions under the permissive access model are in place

Support the preservation and maintenance of existing routes through the MacGillycuddy reeks

In order to protect sensitive habitat and grazing land from deterioration resulting from footfall access should be encouraged along predefined access routes (within reason).

Any new developments will take into consideration the long-term maintenance requirements and impact to the landscape and the sensitive habitats contained therein