Chapter 2: Climate Change & Achieving a Sustainable Future

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance

Chapter 2: Climate Change & Achieving a Sustainable Future

Comhaontas Turasóireachta Chorca Dhuibhne / Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance (CTCD/DPTA) would like to commend Kerry County Council on a very extensive County Development Plan.

The following are our observations primarily relating to Chapter 10 – TOURISM AND OUTDOOR RECREATION.

Coming from local engagement which CTCD/DPTA have been engaged in during the winter of 2021/2022, local community development organisations have expressed a keen interest to develop walks in all parishes in the pursuit of a slow immersive model of tourism for Corca Dhuibhne and the possibilities this provides for sustainable tourism, promotion of Gaeilge, heritage, culture and agri-tourism.  

These initiatives are very valuable as they come from the community and this type of development can take pressure off the honey pot pressure zones (traffic on Slea Head). We, with Slí Chorcha Dhuibhne, would like to work with Kerry County Council (and Failte Ireland, Udarás na Gaeltachta, NEWKD and SKDP) in developing and achieving an ambitious vision for The Dingle Way and all other looped and spur walks on the peninsula building up to a comprehensive, high quality, off-road walks network which links our villages, beaches, archaeological sites and agri-tourism providers.

We look forward to the opportunity of working with Kerry County Council through out the lifetime of this Development Plan.


Page 29: “KCDP 2 – 5 Support the development of sustainable communities that enhance the health and wellbeing of our people and places.” – DPTA calls for the Social Pillar of Sustainable Tourism to be integrated into this plan, highlighting the critical importance of our community’s wellbeing at the core, to the sustainable future for the Dingle Peninsula / Corca Dhuibhne.

“KCDP 2 – 7 Support social enterprises and the circular economy within local communities to benefit environmental protection, employment generation and community development.” DPTA recognises that Insurance is a key obstacle to many potential entrepreneurs and communities in their development of their communities, enterprises, environment and circular economy. It is recommended that the plan adds an action that can represent or lobby on behalf of the county, the restrictive impacts imposed on progress by insurance industry.

“KCDP 2 – 11 Improve the efficiency and sustainability of transport including improved and expanded public transport capacity and walking and cycling infrastructure, improved traffic management and bus priority.” – please see the observations addressed under Chapter 10 – TOURISM AND OUTDOOR RECREATION and opening paragraphs above.

“KCDP 2 – 12 Support investment in the sustainable development of Electric Vehicle charging facilities in appropriate public locations and to integrate Electric Vehicle charging point infrastructure within residential, commercial, and mixed-use developments.” – there is only 1 quick charging point on the Dingle Peninsula. Queues have emerged at busy weekends this winter with the increase in electric cars purchased in Ireland. DPTA requests the urgent addition of more public quick charging points across the peninsula / county in advance of Season 2022 to support the ease of traffic and visitor management.