Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance

Chapter 6: Sustainable Communities


“KCDP 6-17 Promote integration of social housing and ensure a housing mix within developments in order to promote a socially balanced and inclusive society – Due to the scale of Airbnb lets in Dingle town and on the peninsula, local families and businesses requiring staff accommodation cannot get long-term rentals. Positive steps should be taken asap to ensure balance in the local social community structures and prevent the loss of local families in the region, weakening local communities leading to a loss in the Irish language and local cultural heritage. This will be extremely damaging to the overall visitor experience as a result. See more observations in the points made on Chapter 5 – RURAL HOUSING.

“KCDP 6 – 3 Continue to support the creation of sustainable communities throughout the County by

facilitating the creation of attractive neighbourhoods where there are strong links and connections to local services, community facilities and employment areas and where walking, cycling, and public transport is prioritised;

KCDP 6 – 10 Promote ‘live work’ communities to ensure that settlements throughout the County continue to act as important local service centres that maintain sustainable communities, help to

ensure a good quality environment, provide public transport, and provide an enhanced quality of life for its citizens; AND

KCDP 6-30 Support local sports groups, community groups and other groups in the development of

facilities, at appropriate locations, throughout the county.” – the communities of the Dingle Peninsula must be given a ‘voice’ at any tourism development level where their lives, wellbeing and communities are directly impacted by tourism e.g., the communities and villages along the Slea Head Drive. Consideration, engagement, meaningful consultation (from the outset of any planning) and inclusion in tourism planning and development should be introduced and maintained.