Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 

Chapter 7: Housing for All

Tying in with Chapter 4 submission with reference to KCDP 4-1 and KCDP 4-2 (maximising potential of derelict properties and serviced site provision by Kerry County Council),  we request that Kerry County Council update draft Development Plan to make provision and opportunity for implementation of policy objectives from Chapter 7 a matter of urgency when Local Area Plans fall short in meeting these objectives upgrading LAPs as necessary. As stated in KCDP 7-5, as a matter of urgency utilise all schemes available such as ‘Affordable Purchase Scheme’ and ‘First Home’ shared equity scheme to get the likes of the squeezed middle over the line for home ownership (of course once there is a clear pathway to site provision).

We don’t want to see our village and surrounds regress and decline any further and want to have  a sustainable, vibrant and affordable place to live. ( aiming to approach population levels we were at 100 years ago) . As stated in the ‘Housing for all’ document, the government’s overall objective is that every citizen in the State should have access to good quality homes - to purchase or rent at an affordable price, built to a good standard and in the right place & offering a high quality of life. We know that we can offer this in Moyvane and its surrounding rural countryside but we need to be afforded implementation of the desired plans and polices to reverse the rural decline. We would like to think if our children or anyone wants to settle in Moyvane that there aren’t any obstacles in doing so. We are a proactive community and take great pride in our place.