Submissions by topics "Iompar Poiblí"Subscribe to Submissions by topics "Iompar Poiblí"

That it would be an objective of this plan to upgrade to N23 between Castleisland and Farranfore. That it would be an objective of this plan to create a transport hub in Farranfore. It is...
Iarnród Éireann welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission at the draft consultation phase of the new Kerry County Development Plan for the period 2022-2028. The new Development Plan comes at...
Please find attached submission document based on Chapter 14 Connectivity - specifically Sustainable Transport & Public Transport. 
Some or any of the above topics, although not limited to these topics eg Gas, mains, sewer mains replacement or installation  can involve road pening activities. This can lead to temporary road a...
Encourage Farranfore’s position as a transport hub by facilitating the development of transport related facilities within the town and safeguarding Kerry Airports operation and expansion....