Submissions by topics "Gaothfhuinneamh"Subscribe to Submissions by topics "Gaothfhuinneamh"

Energy That Kerry County Council would only make places open for consideration for Windmills in Areas where the geography is suitable and kept away from having a huge impact on...
Full Details of submission including mapping are set out in the attached document. Please refer to mapping providced in submission documentation for more accurate extent of submission area than...
Chapter 12 - Energy Section - Wind zoning in the Scartaglin Region
Chapter 12 - Energy Section - Wind zoning in the Scartaglin Region
Wind energy zoning. 
Chapter 12 - Energy Section - Wind zoning in the Scartaglin Region
Chapter 12 - Energy Section - Wind zoning in the Scartaglin Region
Chapter 12 - Energy Section - Wind zoning in the Scartaglin Region
Chapter 12 - Energy Section - Wind zoning in the Scartaglin Region
Chapter 12 - Energy Section - Wind zoning in the Scartaglin Region