Part 8 - Cahersiveen Public Realm Enhancement Plans at the Fair Field and Waterfront Amenity

Closed29 Nov, 2023, 09:00 - 17 Jan, 2024, 16:00

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Cahersiveen Public Realm Enhancement Plans.

Public Notice in Compliance with Part XI of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) as set down in Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended).

Pursuant to the requirements of the above, Notice is hereby given that Kerry County Council proposes to carry out the development, particulars of which are set out hereunder.

Location/Townland or Postal Address of the Proposed Development

Location:        Cahersiveen Town Centre

Townland(s): Cahersiveen

Nature and extent of the Proposed Works

Kerry County Council have prepared plans to establish the “Daniel O’Connell Quarter”, develop a movement management plan and enhance the public realm within the town centre, the Fair Field and the Waterfront. The primary changes being introduced are as follows:

  • Enhanced Fair Green Environs and introduction of a one-way system between the Library and The Market House allowing for greater connectivity.
  • Proposed new development/amenity site at the waterfront
  • Proposed new boardwalk

Kerry County Council as the Competent Authority has concluded that the proposed project, individually, and in combination with other plans and projects, is not one which requires an Appropriate Assessment (AA) or an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and is not likely to have significant effects on the environment.

Pursuant to Article 120(3)(b) a member of the public, may at any time before the expiration of 4 weeks beginning on the date of the publication of this notice, seek an EIA screening determination from An Bord Pleanála as to whether the proposed development would have significant effects on the environment.


Plans and Particulars of the proposed works are available for inspection or purchase, on payment of a specified fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making such a copy, during normal office hours from Wednesday, 29th November 2023 to Wednesday, 17th January 2024 at the following locations;

  • Kerry County Council Website and 
  • Kerry County Council, Cahersiveen Area Office, The Courthouse, Cahersiveen.
  • Kerry County Council, Cahersiveen Library, New Market Street, Cahersiveen.
  • Kerry County Council, Roads and Transportation, Room 115, County Buildings, Rathass, Tralee, Co. Kerry

An advisor will be available to explain the plans – please contact the Cahersiveen Area Office on (066) 9472143

Submissions and Observations with respect to the proposed development DEALING WITH PROPER PLANNING AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT in which the development would be situated, may be made in writing and clearly marked

Part 8 – Cahersiveen Public Realm Enhancement Plans.

To:    Administrative Officer, Capital Development Unit, Kerry County Council, Unit 20/21 The Reeks, Killarney, Co. Kerry V93C3WH


Email to:


Submissions may also be made by registered users on the Kerry County Council Consultation Platform 

Submissions must be received by 4.00 pm on Wednesday, 17th January 2024.


Personal information is collected by Kerry County Council to enable the processing of your submission/enquiry. Kerry County Council can legally process this information as necessary to comply with its statutory/legal obligations. Such information will be processed in line with the Council’s privacy statement which is available at