Chapter 2: Climate Change & Achieving a Sustainable Future

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Cllr Jackie Healy-Rae

Chapter 2: Climate Change & Achieving a Sustainable Future



  • That it would be an objective of this council to fully support the development of an LNG terminal on the Tarbert/Ballylongford landbank as it has the potential to be a very effective transition fuel both locally and nationally. It should be a key objective of this County Development Plan in terms of energy security.


  • Under KCDP 2-12, it should include that Kerry County Council will increase the number of EV Charging Points in their own car parks and publicly owned lands, but that it will too do so through own resources and not solely reliant private investment.


  • As part of Climate Change & Achieving a Sustainable Future, it should be an objective to have villages without Waste Water treatment facilities upgraded immediately as it is completely unsustainable to allow it continue in term of Climate Change and for the growth of our county.