Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Cllr Jackie Healy-Rae
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 
Cllr Jackie Healy-Rae

Litir Chumhdaigh

Please see attached submissions on the County Development Plan from Cllr Jackie Healy-Rae and Deputy Michael Healy-Rae


Chapter 2: Climate Change & Achieving a Sustainable Future



  • That it would be an objective of this council to fully support the development of an LNG terminal on the Tarbert/Ballylongford landbank as it has the potential to be a very effective transition fuel both locally and nationally. It should be a key objective of this County Development Plan in terms of energy security.


  • Under KCDP 2-12, it should include that Kerry County Council will increase the number of EV Charging Points in their own car parks and publicly owned lands, but that it will too do so through own resources and not solely reliant private investment.


  • As part of Climate Change & Achieving a Sustainable Future, it should be an objective to have villages without Waste Water treatment facilities upgraded immediately as it is completely unsustainable to allow it continue in term of Climate Change and for the growth of our county.


Chapter 3: Core & Settlement Strategy

  • It is our opinion that the estimated population growths are very conservative, the impact of the pandemic has changed the way we work. Now more than ever we have people who will never return to the workplace due to remote working. These people will relocate to Kerry and particularly our Regional Towns will see a far greater influx of people coming to live there and this county development plan should see more ambitious figure than what is in the current Draft.

Chapter 4: Towns & Villages

  • It should be an objective of this plan to carry out a full up to date survey of every town, village and settlement assessing the levels of vacant buildings/properties in each.


  • More work needs to be done to inform members of the public what exactly is available to them in terms of supports for refurbishing vacant properties and the planning implications of doing so. In this vain, it should be an objective of this plan to hold an information evening every 12 months for the lifetime of this plan in each LEA aimed at informing vacant property owners of what is available to them.


  • It should be an objective of this plan to develop a master plan for the town of Castleisland. The town needs a plan to develop the flow of traffic, public realm spaces and improve the town centre through urban design measures. This will in turn help us as a local authority to access capital funding to develop areas of the town.


  • Further clarity needs to be provided in the plan as to have KCDP 4-32 will be done ? For example Repair and Lease has been in place for many years now and in my opinion is not fit for purpose. Take up has been very slow on this scheme and what can this council do to encourage it further than it already has ?


  • KCDP 4-34 I agree with, but, in terms of “identifiable address” can this be further clarified.


  • A licensing system for the operation of mobile catering/coffee units should be established for those wishing to operate on publicly owned land. I cannot state enough that of course we must protect the rate payers in our town, but, that does not mean we cannot have such a system in place. For example, a fantastic job has been done at the Glounsharoon Viewing Point, we should have a system in place that allows someone to operate a Coffee Stand there for the summer months. This would pose no threat to businesses in the town of Castleisland, in fact, it could help, because it will assist in getting people to stop, take in the beautiful views and identify Castleisland as a place to visit which they may have otherwise bypassed. By having a licensing system in place you can control what type of business will operate in that area bearing in  mind the existing rate payer. Another example would be in Brosna, there is no chipper there, but why couldn’t the council have a system whereby a mobile unit could come to the KCC owned car park of a Friday and Saturday night and trade there ? I believe this only makes sense especially post Covid where this sort of trading is growing in popularity. Of course these businesses should be charged for the use of the space perhaps on a monthly basis which would be added income for the council also.


  • It should be an objective of this plan that the Riverwalk in Castleisland would be taken in charge by Kerry County Council.


  • It should be an objective of this plan to identify suitable areas for warehousing. With the ever increasing demand of online shopping we should be looking at attracting distribution/storage centres in areas with good transport links throughout the county.

Chapter 5: Rural Housing

  • I am proposing that the areas around Firies and Currow should be zoned ‘Rural Areas under Urban Influence” and not “Significant Urban Influence” like is proposed in the CDP.


  • Can it please be clarified if Cromane is a “Rural Area Under Significant Urban Influence” as stated on the GIS map, or if it is indeed classed as “Other Rural Areas” as stated in the written statement ??


  • KCDP 5-12 C) should take accommodate people working in other sectors such as tourism and not just those in agriculture and marine. We have generations of people who have worked in different industries in Kerry for example tourism who are being discriminated against by this guideline.


  • KCDP 5-12 D) should be changed to the following “Persons who are intrinsically linked to their local area going back 12 years in which they wish to build a first time home for their permanent occupation. This would be subject to a 12 year occupancy clause.”


  • That the occupancy clause would be kept at 7 years for “Rural Area Under Urban Influence” but that it be included in the plan that people who can prove they are in financially difficulty will be accommodated in the disposing of their property.

Chapter 6: Sustainable Communities

  • Under 6.2.3 ‘Housing for Sustainable Communities” housing for elderly/venerable in the form of 1-2 bedroom houses would be built in a community type fashion, for example like Tobar Naofa, Tralee and Taobh Linn, Kenmare with all the ancillary services available to them. This should be an objective of the plan.

Chapter 7: Housing for All

  • Under Homelessness. it should be an objective of this plan to provide Homeless Accommodation in each LEA.


  • That Kerry County Council would amalgamate the 1&2 bedroom housing list.


  • Demountable units should be used more regularly where it is deemed acceptable by the tenant. This form of accommodation is very suitable for people in certain circumstances.

Chapter 9: Economic Development

  • The Kerry Hub & Knowledge Triangle should not stifle development in other regional towns from growing, places such as Castleisland, Farranfore and North Kerry for example.
  • The ability to work from home/remotely is going to be extremely important over the lifetime of this plan. Kerry will benefit massively from people relocating to the county due to remote working and this plan should take full cognises of that.

Chapter 10: Tourism & Outdoor Recreation

  • This plan should actively encourage and support the development of full serviced camper/mobile home sites. Kerry is lagging behind what is becoming a very popular form of holidaying. Kerry at present is lacking the proper facilities to cater for this form of vacationing and it should be something that Kerry County Council should look to incorporate on their publicly owned lands.


  • It should be an objective of this plan to develop a greenway linking Castleisland and Tralee and potentially continuing on to Chorca Dhuibhne


  • Kerry County Council should make it policy in their Greenways to display warning signs about Ticks and the dangers they impose. The signs should be altering people to check themselves for ticks.


Appendix 6: Wind Zoning Methodology

  • Clarity needs to be provided for the ‘Areas of Further Assessment’ for wind energy zoning, it needs to be made clear that the assessments for these areas are indeed finalised and that Map 12.4 is the final product of all the councils assessments. It is easy to see how members of the public reading the plan could misinterpret the “Areas of Further Assessment” as still being a work in progress when the reality is they are not. This has led to people misinforming themselves of what is actually potentially “Open to Consideration” and an additional paragraph relating to this should be included to clear up any confusion.

Chapter 12: Energy

  • Clarity needs to be provided for the ‘Areas of Further Assessment’ for wind energy zoning, it needs to be made clear that the assessments for these areas are indeed finalised and that Map 12.4 is the final product of all the councils assessments. It is easy to see how members of the public reading the plan could misinterpret the “Areas of Further Assessment” as still being a work in progress when the reality is they are not. This has led to people misinforming themselves of what is actually potentially “Open to Consideration” and an additional paragraph relating to this should be included to clear up any confusion.


  • A setback distance of 6 times the blade tip height from the curtilage of any residential property should be imposed on the development of wind turbines.


  • In relation to repowering, wind farms that are less than 8 years old should not be zoned for repowering.


  • Further clarity needs to be provided on repowering, is this a national directive that wind areas need to be repowered, if so please state where this is ?


  • A buffer zone of 2 KMs should be put in place near any SAC/SPC in order to protect our wildlife and habitats. 500m is far from adequate.


  • I am proposing that Planning Permission for Battery Storage Units should not be granted in Kerry until such time that Planning Guidelines are put in place for their development.


  • I am requesting that the Chief Fire Officer sets out in this plan how the fire service in Kerry will deal with an emergency such as a fire, what training/equipment the fire service in Kerry have in dealing with Lithium Battery fires of this scale.


  • That it would be a requirement of a planning application for any large scale renewable energy project to distribute an information pack outlining the proposed development to every address within 10KM of the development site.


  • That Kerry County Council would support the development of an LNG Terminal in the Ballylongford/Tarbert landbank.

Chapter 13: Water & Waste Management


  • That it be an objective of this council in conjunction with Irish Water to develop Wastewater Plants in areas such as Beaufort, Currow, Headford, Kilcummin, The Spa, Scartaglin etc where none currently exist. This is stifling and impacting on their development and is undoubtedly causing harm to its environs.

Chapter 14: Connectivity

  • That it would be an objective of this plan to upgrade to N23 between Castleisland and Farranfore.
  • That it would be an objective of this plan to create a transport hub in Farranfore. It is very unique to have a railway station, airport and good road routes in a small village like Farranfore and more needs to be done to create greater connectivity between them.
  • It should be a key objective of this plan to promote the use of Kerry Airport as much as possible.


Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
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Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 