Chapter 4: Towns & Villages

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Cllr Jackie Healy-Rae

Chapter 4: Towns & Villages

  • It should be an objective of this plan to carry out a full up to date survey of every town, village and settlement assessing the levels of vacant buildings/properties in each.


  • More work needs to be done to inform members of the public what exactly is available to them in terms of supports for refurbishing vacant properties and the planning implications of doing so. In this vain, it should be an objective of this plan to hold an information evening every 12 months for the lifetime of this plan in each LEA aimed at informing vacant property owners of what is available to them.


  • It should be an objective of this plan to develop a master plan for the town of Castleisland. The town needs a plan to develop the flow of traffic, public realm spaces and improve the town centre through urban design measures. This will in turn help us as a local authority to access capital funding to develop areas of the town.


  • Further clarity needs to be provided in the plan as to have KCDP 4-32 will be done ? For example Repair and Lease has been in place for many years now and in my opinion is not fit for purpose. Take up has been very slow on this scheme and what can this council do to encourage it further than it already has ?


  • KCDP 4-34 I agree with, but, in terms of “identifiable address” can this be further clarified.


  • A licensing system for the operation of mobile catering/coffee units should be established for those wishing to operate on publicly owned land. I cannot state enough that of course we must protect the rate payers in our town, but, that does not mean we cannot have such a system in place. For example, a fantastic job has been done at the Glounsharoon Viewing Point, we should have a system in place that allows someone to operate a Coffee Stand there for the summer months. This would pose no threat to businesses in the town of Castleisland, in fact, it could help, because it will assist in getting people to stop, take in the beautiful views and identify Castleisland as a place to visit which they may have otherwise bypassed. By having a licensing system in place you can control what type of business will operate in that area bearing in  mind the existing rate payer. Another example would be in Brosna, there is no chipper there, but why couldn’t the council have a system whereby a mobile unit could come to the KCC owned car park of a Friday and Saturday night and trade there ? I believe this only makes sense especially post Covid where this sort of trading is growing in popularity. Of course these businesses should be charged for the use of the space perhaps on a monthly basis which would be added income for the council also.


  • It should be an objective of this plan that the Riverwalk in Castleisland would be taken in charge by Kerry County Council.


  • It should be an objective of this plan to identify suitable areas for warehousing. With the ever increasing demand of online shopping we should be looking at attracting distribution/storage centres in areas with good transport links throughout the county.