Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Farranfore Development Association

Chapter 10: Tourism & Outdoor Recreation

Farranfore has a long history as a hub for transport. Kerry Airport is also pivotal in the tourism future of both Farranfore and the county as  a whole

  • Support developments celebrating the unique transport heritage of Farranfore, particulary based around the Farranfore Valentia line
  • A local greenaway could be developed on the site of Farranfore Junction on the lands still in CIE ownership, back to beyond the location of the turntable. This greenway would be linked via the Farranfore Railway park to the Farranfore Sli na Slainte on the L-11047-0. This would provide a safe off road loop for cycling and walking.
  • Facilitate and encourage the further development and extension of dedicated walk and cycle ways within Farranfore, with the local hinterland and neighbouring villages such as Firies, Currow and Currans, as well as major population centres of Tralee, Killarney, Castleisland and Killorglin
  • Improve welcome signage on all approach roads, highlighting key attractions and points of interest in Farranfore as well as servcies available in Farranfore
  • Market & promote current routes available from Kerry Airport, both within Kerry, nationally & internationally
  • Provide support to Kerry Airport in attracting new routes & destinations
  • Enhance connectivy with public transport services .bus & rail & broadband connectivity.
  • Enhance signage on approaches to Kerry Airport both from a visitor/tourist perspective  as well as promoting use of routes to local population