Farranfore Development Submission to Kerry County Development Plan 2022 - 2028

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Farranfore Development Association
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 
Farranfore Development Association

Litir Chumhdaigh

This submission has been prepared by the Farranfore Development Association, which is a constituted voluntary organisation established in November 2011.

The overall aims of the Farranfore Development Association are the promotion of community, social, recreational and business development in the Farranfore area resulting in the improvement and enhancement of Farranfore, so to ensure its continued and future sustainability


Chapter 2: Climate Change & Achieving a Sustainable Future

.Encourage and facilitate improved linkages between various modes of transport including connection between arrival/departure points and joined up scheduling information.

Farranfore was originally developed as a transport hub and has continued to fulfill this role. The village provides national and regional air, rail and road transport. Visitors arriving in Farranfore by bus, rail or air need to be better catered if Farranfore is to continue to grow based on its status as a transport hub,.

Kerry Airport is located over 1km east of the town core and there is a need to ensure individuals and groups arriving in the airport can avail of services in the village core and link up with bus and rail services.

The potential for development of an integrated public transport terminal, which would see the bus stops moved from the N22 to the area within the Train Station, should be explored and include mitigation measures to allow for safe access/exit for buses to/from the train station. This allow for covered bus shelters and real time passenger information for transport users and visitors arriving by Train, Bus and Air.

Chapter 3: Core & Settlement Strategy

Given the services available in Farranfore, the excellent infrastructure and proximity to the major population centres of Kerry, it is ideal location within the county for business/enterprise development and also residential development.

As a transport hub with air and rail linkages, strategically located at the junction of the N22 and N23 in close proximity to the large settlements of Killarney and Tralee, Farranfore has huge potential to continue to develop as a business centre in the County.

Encourage Farranfore’s position as a transport hub by facilitating the development of transport related facilities within the town and safeguarding Kerry Airports operation and expansion.

Enable long overdue residential development in Farranfore and promote best practice in encouraging development within easy access of the current services of the village

Support & promote Kerry Airport  as a location for further aviation related services and infrastructure development

Chapter 4: Towns & Villages

Farranfore is located in the heart of County Kerry  strategically positioned 17km south of Tralee, 15km  north of Killarney and 9.5km west of Castleisland.  Farranfore originally developed as a transport hub  and has continued to fulfil this role. Kerry Airport is  location just over 1km east of the village core and  Farranfore Railway Station is located close to the  northern entrance to the village.
Farranfore  has extensive commercial services with a  Supermarket, Pharmacy, Post Office, and a pub. There is a restaurant
, diner and deli in the village.  Farranfore Medical Centre  located on the Firies Rd. and a HSE Health Centre  in the centre of the village is used by used by the Public Health  Nurse.  
Farranfore also has a strong business presence with  Kerry Agri Business, 3 car dealerships, a furniture store and 4 Park business park
Knockaderry Farranfore is a modern national school including Little Acorns. Farranfore is home to the excellent facilities of Firies GAA club, including playing pitches, dressing rooms, sports hall and meeting rooms.

Farranfore is promoted as a growth settlement  for the Municipal District and will be the primary focus for the  development of the surrounding rural areas. Every effort is made  to  facilitate an appropriate increase in the population.

In order to allow Farranfore to develop in an orderly  manner, it is important that:  

Farranfore wastewater treatment plant has a capacity of 500PE, but with the potential to increase capacity if required. At peak times the loading to the plant can exceed the design PE. The plant and its capacity must be upgraded to support Farranfore's current needs, facilitate future growth to allow Farranfore reach its full potential.
The proposed new Farranfore- Killarney (N22)  re-alignment is developed in order to support  access to Kerry airport and links to the Tralee Killarney Hub.  
The industrial activities in Farranfore are  protected and developed sustainably.  
The consolidation of the village settlement and  the retention and improvement of local services  and facilities to serve the village and surrounding areas
Its location as a strategic transport hub is  maximised and developed to its fullest potential. 
The importance of the  airport and rail line must be recognised, and its  further development is vital to the economy of  the County and the wider region  



Chapter 8: Gaeltacht Areas, Culture & Heritage

Farranfore has a long history of transport within the County, which is unbroken for 200 years from the horse drawn coaches of Charles Bianconi in the early 19th Century to the Ryanair jets of Michael O’Leary now in the 21st Century.

  • Highlight and promote the significance of Farranfore’s Transport History and its importance in terms of travel and logistics within the County.
  • Protect and conserve any remaining structures and features associated with Farranfore to Valentia branch railway line, in particular the water tower at Farranfore Junction and which is now the centrepiece of Farranfore Railway Park, as well as the old platform and turntable located on the site of Farranfore Junction adjacent to the current mainline Farranfore Railway Station.
  • The bridges on the Tralee, Castleisland and Currow approaches form part of the vernacular architecture and should be conserved. Lighting them would provide a nice entrance framework to the village

Chapter 9: Economic Development

Similar to reasons outlined above and given its strategic location and excellent transport infrastructure, including the location of Kerry Airport, Farranfore is an ideal location to support economic development and expansion.

  • Kerry County Council would support & promote Kerry Airport  as a location for for further aviation related services and infrastructure development
  • Make best use of Kerry Airport as a driver of inward development not just to Faranfore but the county as a whole
  • Market & promote current routes available from Kerry Airport, both within Kerry, nationally & internationally
  • Support the development and completion of the 4 Park business park
  • Work with local business community of Farranfore, including 4Park, Kerry Airport & Kerry Group as to how Farranfore can attract new enterprises as well as raise general public awareness as to the services and business offering available within the Farranfore area
  • Enhance connectivy with public transport services .bus & rail & broadband connectivity


Chapter 10: Tourism & Outdoor Recreation

Farranfore has a long history as a hub for transport. Kerry Airport is also pivotal in the tourism future of both Farranfore and the county as  a whole

  • Support developments celebrating the unique transport heritage of Farranfore, particulary based around the Farranfore Valentia line
  • A local greenaway could be developed on the site of Farranfore Junction on the lands still in CIE ownership, back to beyond the location of the turntable. This greenway would be linked via the Farranfore Railway park to the Farranfore Sli na Slainte on the L-11047-0. This would provide a safe off road loop for cycling and walking.
  • Facilitate and encourage the further development and extension of dedicated walk and cycle ways within Farranfore, with the local hinterland and neighbouring villages such as Firies, Currow and Currans, as well as major population centres of Tralee, Killarney, Castleisland and Killorglin
  • Improve welcome signage on all approach roads, highlighting key attractions and points of interest in Farranfore as well as servcies available in Farranfore
  • Market & promote current routes available from Kerry Airport, both within Kerry, nationally & internationally
  • Provide support to Kerry Airport in attracting new routes & destinations
  • Enhance connectivy with public transport services .bus & rail & broadband connectivity.
  • Enhance signage on approaches to Kerry Airport both from a visitor/tourist perspective  as well as promoting use of routes to local population

Chapter 11: Environment

The Farranfore Tidys Towns have been very active since 2012, particulary in promoting local biodiversity and the National Pollinator Plan.

Continuing support should be provided to such work including, the current water courses in the area, namely the Féith Fionn are protected and allow for the potential development as a public amenity and positive visual focal point in Farranfore, through appropiate clearing and landscaping.
Identify and appropriately treat and remove any Japanese Knotweed in the area


Chapter 14: Connectivity

Encourage Farranfore’s position as a transport hub by facilitating the development of transport related facilities within the town and safeguarding Kerry Airports operation and expansion.

Encourage and facilitate improved linkages between various modes of transport including connection between arrival/departure points and joined up scheduling information.
Farranfore was originally developed as a transport hub and has continued to fulfill this role. The village provides national and regional air, rail and road transport. Visitors arriving in Farranfore by bus, rail or air need to be better catered if Farranfore is to continue to grow based on its status as a transport hub

Kerry Airport is located over 1km east of the town core and there is a need to ensure individuals and groups arriving in the airport can avail of services in the village core and link up with bus and rail services.

  • Market & promote current routes available from Kerry Airport, both within Kerry, nationally & internationally
  • Provide support to Kerry Airport in attracting new routes & destinations
  • Maintain PSO Kerry Dublin Route
  • Enhance connectivy with public transport services .bus & rail & broadband connectivity.
  • Market & promote current routes available from Kerry Airport, both within Kerry, nationally & internationally
  • Provide support to Kerry Airport in attracting new routes & destinations

There is currently no dedicated bus set down/layby on the Killarney – Tralee route through the village and buses are forced to stop on the current N22 carriageway, causing traffic obstructions. Changes to the existing bus stop locations should be facilitated.

The potential for development of an integrated public transport terminal, which would see the bus stops moved from the N22 to the area within the Train Station, should be explored and include mitigation measures to allow for safe access/exit for buses to/from the train station. This allow for covered bus shelters and real time passenger information for transport users and visitors arriving by Train, Bus and Air

Facilitate and encourage the further development and extension of dedicated walk and cycle ways within Farranfore, with the local hinterland and neighbouring villages such as Firies, Currow and Currans, as well as major population centres of Tralee, Killarney, Castleisland and Killorglin

Continue to develop and expand the Broadband, Fibre Optice and Electricty Capacity of Farranfore

Chapter 1: Introduction

The proposed re-alignment of the current N22 road has long been on the agenda. The delays over the last twenty years and more in the project planning and advancement have been major factors in the lack of necessary and expected residential, commercial and infrastructural development within Farranfore.
The project, when completed, will result in a seismic change in Farranfore’s positioning and role. It is important that the current range of services, amenities, infrastructure, community and commercial activities are maintained when the project is complete.
Indeed the desire of the local and national policy makers must be that this project will act as a catalyst to work with the local community to secure the investment in Farranfore to support its growth and expansion, so as to ensure Farranfore’s potential is maximised for the benefit of the local community and county as a whole

Please Find attached documents to support these observations

Chapter 7: Housing for All

As Farranfore was not overly developed with housing in the past decade the village has retained its integrity and character, which should  allow residential development that does not exclude access to those without regular motorised transport and should promote socially inclusive and age friendly accessibility in the village


Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
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Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 