Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Kerry IFA
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 
Kerry IFA

Litir Chumhdaigh

Kerry IFA is pleased to make the following submissions to the County Council for consideration in the drafting of the County Development Plan.

Kerry IFA wish to acknowledge its commitment to ensuring a sustainable high-quality environment for food production and amenity use in Kerry for all to enjoy and its willingness to work with the various local and national authorities to help ensure a high level of protection of the rural environment in the County.


Chapter 5: Rural Housing

Rural Housing and Dwelling

Kerry IFA oppose any increase in Development Charges for once off Rural Housing as rural dwellers cannot access the amenities and services of people living in urban areas. Kerry IFA request that people who buy or build a house in the Countryside can expect to abide by a countryside lifestyle and not impede or object to normal farming practice carried out within the law and tradition.

Planning Permission along National Roads

It has been brought to our attention that all planning applications for housing or other developments on lands adjoining National Roads to which speed limits greater than 60 km/h apply are referred to Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII).

TII are appealing the granting of planning permissions on the basis that the development will lead to the "Intensification" of an existing entrance/access onto National Roads.

This results in many farmers and rural dwellers unable to obtain planning permission for housing or other farm infrastructure developments, where the only land available for development is along a national road.

This results in farmers unable to build housing for their own needs, family needs and also devalues farm lands assets owned by farmers.

Further, the development of sheds and other farm buildings required in the business of farming is preventing farmers from developing their business and providing infrastructure required.

We in Kerry IFA propose that the Kerry County Council seeks to assist those who apply for planning permission along national routes to secure planning permission where there is a valid planning application for housing or other developments as required and that planning permission is granted in all insistences where all other conditions to planning are complied with.

The requirement to grant planning permission along national routes is a necessity for many planning applications, as in many instances the only available land for development is along a national route and is a requirement for the continued existence of family farms.

Kerry IFA reject the NRA, or any other authority, effectively sterilising land for one-off house development for farm families in the County.

Scenic Routes Planning Permission

Kerry IFA seeks the assistance of Kerry County Council in the granting of planning permission for the development of housing or other farm developments along scenic routes. This includes parts of the county along the Wild Atlantic Way and other areas of high scenic value. Farmers in these areas need to be given equal consideration for development in as far as practicable.

Farmers and other rural dwellers require planning permission to be granted where housing, sheds, yards, etc are required for the continued development of their family farm business to continue to provide employment and incomes to farm families, to ensure vibrant local communities to live in, work in and visit and to maintain rural tourism.

“Locals only” Planning Permission

Kerry IFA wishes to ensure that there is no prohibition to the granting of planning permission to those from outside a particular area from securing the granting of planning permission to provide housing for their family.

Rural communities should be built around a range of diverse people from different aspects of the general population.

Kerry IFA do not wish to see a situation develop where the only people able to secure planning permission in rural areas are those living and working on farms. This will lead to rural isolation and the problems associated with it.

Chapter 6: Sustainable Communities

Rural Depopulation

Kerry IFA requests that the County Development Plan takes into account rural depopulation, rural isolation and reduced services in rural areas.

Where possible Kerry IFA requests that all actions in the County Development Plan promote the development of rural communities both within and outside town and village boundaries and ensure those living and working in more isolated areas continue to receive the benefits associated with the development plan.

The provision of services, granting of planning permission, creation of employment and business opportunities can ensure the rural dwellers have the same standard of living as those citizens that choose to live in cities and large urban settlements.

Chapter 8: Gaeltacht Areas, Culture & Heritage

Creidimid go láidir gur ceart daonna bunúsach é go mbeadh cead ag muintir na Gaeltachta agus ag a gclann lonnú ar an bpaiste dúchais más sin é a mian agus má tá a n-iarratas lonnaíochta ag cloí le dea-chleachtas pleanála. 

I gcaibidil a 8 (8.1.3 Caomhnú na Gaeilge) sa Dréachtphlean Forbartha Contae 2022-2028, tá sé le rá ag Comhairle Chontae Chiarraí gurb iad na príomh chúinsí atá le cur san áireamh i gcaomhnú na Gaolainne ná cúinsí deimeagrafacha, eacnamaíochta, áiseanna agus bonn eagar. Is í ár dtuairim ná go bhfuil an chairt á cur roimis an asail anseo. Gan muintir na Gaeltachta lonnaithe sa Ghaeltacht, ní bheidh aon teanga le caomhnú agus ní fiú bheith ag caint ar chúinsí deimeagrafacha, eacnamaíochta, áiseanna agus bonn eagar- beag beann ar dhea thoil na Comhairle i leith na teangan nó ar sholáthar seirbhíse ón gComhairle.  

Is ins an chead lonnaíochta atá croí na ceiste. Eascraíonn an uile ní ina dhiaidh sin as an gceist seo.      

I gcuid 8.2 den nDréachtphlean dírithe ar ‘Chultúr’ tá sé le rá go bhfuil saibhreas cultúrtha an chontae seo le feiscint i mórán gnéithe de shaol na Gaeltachta agus gur féidir “..in addition, the rich cultural tapestry can be seen in the people and communities”.. Arís, gan muintir na Gaeltachta le cead lonnaithe sa Ghaeltacht, ní bheidh daoine ná pobal beo bríomhar ins an Ghaeltacht féin. 

Thar nais go dtí caibidil a 8 (8.1.3 Caomhnú na Gaeilge), agus tá sé le rá go bhfuil Comhairle Chontae Chiarraí ag freastal ar dhaoine le riachtanas inghinte agus eacnamúil maireachtaint faoin dtuath sa Ghaeltacht. Tugann an Chomhairle figiúirí (71.4%) maidir le tithe aonair faoin dtuath a ceadaíodh sna ceantair Ghaeltachta i gCorca Dhuibhne agus in Uibh Ráthach le sé bliana anuas ach ní deintear aon tagairt dos na hiarratais réamhphleanála nár chuaigh chomh fada leis an bpróiséas pleanála in aon chor. 

Is teaghlaigh feirmeoireachta cuid mhaith acu seo a thiteann ar an gcéad chlaí agus nach n’éiríonn leo dul tharais an chruinnithe réamhphleanála sna ceantair Ghaeltachta. Daoine iad seo a bhfuil a saol agus saol a muintire rompu tugtha acu mar chaomhnóirí ní hamháin ar theanga na muintire ach ar shlí bheatha na muintire a d’imigh rompu chomh maith.  

Dála gach ceantar tuaithe eile in Éirinn, tá dúshláin ag baint leis an gcéad ghlúin eile a mhealladh chun na feirmeoireachta. Tá guagacht ag baint lena ndearcadh agus lena meon aigne i leith na ceirde. De bharr teacht isteach íseal, ardú i gcostaisí agus méadú ar an maorlathas, ní thógann sé puinn chun lag-mhisneach a chur ar an bhfeirmeoir- caomhnóirí na tuaithe, na teangan is na timpeallachta anois níos mó ná riamh. Ainneoin sin, tá cuid den gcéad ghlúin eile toilteanach tabhairt faoin obair... ach caithfear an tslí a réiteach dóibh. Gan iad, ní bheidh Gaeltacht, Gaeilge ná pobal agat.   

Chapter 9: Economic Development

Kerry IFA would strongly argue that there should be no difference taken into account between Full time or Part time farmers, themselves or their family, seeking planning permission to build a house on their lands in line with normal planning requirements. Any Farmer, and especially those engaging in the birthing and caring of young stock need to be on site to carry-out their work to the best of their ability. Not being resident on these farms is and will be a major impediment to farmers in the County and could cause an animal welfare issue.

Farmers and Farming Couples are often farming alone, but those who have their successor working with them are equally anxious to have sons or daughters living close to the farmyard, so that they can be quickly available in emergencies, or anytime a few more hands are needed. Having a robust practical planning system that provides housing as part of a rural community enhancing regeneration of that same community and look after their elderly and isolated will enhance their community.

IFA requests that landowners should retain the right to sell a site should they need/want to and request that more consultation should take place between the planning Officers and prospective applicants prior to application for planning permission. This consultation would provide for a more accurate and informed application and save both the planning Officers and the Applicant a considerable amount of time. Kerry IFA insists that the current regime of charges apply in the new Development Plan for agricultural buildings.

Agriculture is one of the key pillars for our economy moving forward, development charges for farm buildings must be kept to the minimum.

Rural Enterprise & Business Start Ups

Farmers, who wish to start a Rural Business on their farms, should be looked at more favorable by the local Authority when planning issues arise. All businesses should not be in industrial estates on the outskirts of towns – another key reason while Rural Broadband is essential. New business start-ups should receive an exemption from local authority rates for the first three years of operation, to support local enterprise development in rural areas. 

Enhancement of Local Services

Local services in the community such as provision of supports to rural GPs, the rural post office network, rural schools and the local grocery/convenience shop should be seen as a key component of the character and life of any village in rural Ireland. Rural economies and communities need to be assisted in every way possible through a combination of diversification, entrepreneurship, food and drink networking, tourism, co-operation, renewables, communication structures, producer groups and financial instruments.

Landfill Licence

Kerry IFA requests that where a farmer is using, clearing, moving and filling landfill from one part of their farm to another part during the construction or development of sheds, yards, roadways or other farm activity, that this use of landfill is exempt from the requirement to apply for a licence for such activity.

Where no other material is imported or mixed with landfill, that this activity in the normal course of farm development, should not incur the additional cost of applying for a licence.

Chapter 10: Tourism & Outdoor Recreation

Kerry IFA fully supports the further development of Kerry as a walking and cycling destination and are heartened to read “The Council recognises that these routes cannot come into existence or remain in existence without the full co-operation of the owners of private property on the routes” in Section

The development of these greenways and cycleways to promote tourism should be done in consultation with farmers and land owners affected along the routes to ensure the continued smooth running of farms without disruption to land owners or livestock and that no risk or liability accrues to landowners or farmers along the routes. This should be done at all times without the use of CPO to secure land, which after all is recreational and not Critical infrastructure.

Where possible these greenways and cycleways should be developed along existing routes where there is no disruption necessary to landowners or farmers.

A big issue for a large number of farmers in Kerry, especially in the more mountainous regions in the West and South of the county is around dogs on hills worrying and, in some instances, maiming and killing sheep and lambs. If these areas are to remain open to walkers’ protections for these animals must be put in place. At present when people take dogs on to the hills and farmland, they often allow them to run freely.

In the Countryside Code, agreed with Comhairle na Tuaithe it is stated that no dogs are allowed on hills or farmland without the landowner’s permission. We would hope for support in the Kerry Development plan for this code, for education of all on the damage dogs on hills can cause and also much more stringent enforcement of the laws on dogs.

Chapter 11: Environment


Hedge Cutting

In the interest of safety of both residents and tourists a bare minimum of junctions and pinch points need to maintain a level of hedge-cutting especially during the summer “Silage Season” to enhance visibility and help prevent vehicle collision with injury and possible loss of life. Consultation with local residents and representatives would quickly identify such areas.

Roadside Trees

Kerry IFA request that the Council take responsibility to remove both large and dangerous roadside trees. In the interest of public safety, it is vital that such trees be removed by the state. We believe Kerry County Council are best placed to carry out these works in tandem with proper traffic management to allow the job to be done safely.

The costs to the landowners to take on such projects privately are completely prohibitive and at a time when farmers are being encouraged to plant trees, punitive legislation whereby such costs are put on the landowner are turning farmers off planting along roadsides. Clearing fallen trees off the road after they have come down naturally is not planning.

Chapter 12: Energy

Kerry County Council should facilitate and encourage the micro generation of renewable energy.  Exemption of development charges should be increased to 1 megawatt.

Energy costs and the response to climate change are significant challenges, which face the agriculture sector.  In the IFA policy document Harnessing the Potential of Ireland’s Agriculture & Forestry for Renewable Energy Production and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction the Association identifies Renewable Energy as an important tool to addressing escalating energy costs and the climate change challenge. Kerry IFA supports the development of renewable energy initiatives, which can allow farmers reduce input costs while exporting energy to the national grid and at the same time reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, and ask Kerry Co Council to have a pro-active approach.

Chapter 13: Water & Waste Management

Septic Tanks

Kerry IFA are aware of a number of septic tanks that have become ineffective and are leaking. The cost of repairing/upgrading these septic tanks is substantial and is out of the reach of many people. IFA seek that Kerry County Council provide grant aid for such repairs as it would be more environmentally responsible and effective to have these tanks repaired and prevent any leakages which may possibly end up in local streams and waterways.

Water Abstraction

Kerry IFA requests the County Council to acknowledge that every farmer in the county has a right to bore a well on his land and source water for his family and Livestock. 

Chapter 14: Connectivity

Rural Broadband

Kerry IFA suggest that the Local Authority complies with the National Broadband Plan and that broadband is made available to all Farmers and Rural Dwellers in the County. It is essential that this service is implemented as many of Kerry Farms are heavily dependent on income supports which are applied for online. Many other state bodies have already moved to online communication with farming families.

From living with Covid 19 for the last 2 years, we as a nation, have had to change the way we lived our lives to stay safe. Part of these changes was the requirement of people to work from home where possible. For those who had good broadband this led to huge quality of life and environmental benefits, eliminating work commutes for example. For rural Kerry, this has offered an insight into how life can be post Covid with many advantages for family life, time with children and so on. Having adequate Broadband would greatly help to facilitate this and should be a priority of Kerry County Council to bring whatever pressure to bear to make it happen.   

Critical Sustainable Infrastructure

IFA requests that rural road networks should be maintained to an acceptable standard equitable to road standards in urban areas and that if a complaint is made to a Councillor /County Council Official in relation to road quality; a process to investigate the complaint should be put in place.

We acknowledge the significant recent and continued development/upgrading of the Road network in Kerry and the benefits that it will bring but we also raise the issue of upgrading the “old roads” which took serious construction traffic over the last few years. These roads need to be fit for purpose and cater for agricultural machinery traffic, pull in points etc. Propper road marking and signage are needed to facilitate old, new and upgraded roads in the County.

This will also enhance “The Wild Atlantic Way” & Tourism in general and it is vital that there are proper facilities for vehicle Pull in and Parking put in place on this and other tourist routes to facilitate ease and safety of travel for all road users.

Our best and most realistic growth potential is Tourism in County Kerry and our natural, beautiful, historic and amazing offerings have to be vigorously promoted.

It is vital that all necessary infrastructure connecting Kerry, is put in place. This is critical in attracting investment, job opportunities and Tourism to County Kerry by opening up sustainable and necessary public transport and freight opportunities with funding from NTA and TEN-T. Balanced Regional Development will have a positive knock-on effect for County Kerry going forward.


Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 