
as in the comment section above: 1. The provision of adequate statutory protections for the ensemble of relevant sites including the Cable Station complex and Slate Yard at Knightstown with a view to preserving the natural boundaries of these sites , including their integrity, authenticity and sustainability, while at the same time not inhibiting the development of the island’s infrastructure, including affordable and sustainable homes, commercial outlets and other community building needs. 2. The provision of infrastructure improvements in anticipation of increased number of residents and visitors to the island, on a round year basis, including road improvements, parking, cycling lanes, water and waste treatment, broadband infrastructure etc 3. To enable the start up and scaling up of new businesses which will emerge from the Digital Hub at the Cable Station and by providing industrial development space at Chapeltown 4. To increase the number of affordable homes to accommodate exiting needs in the community as well as the new arrivals and families who will take uptake up positions and/or establish new enterprises in the Digital Hub at the Cable Station and the Business Unit in Chapeltown. 5. To enable the revival of Knightstown as a vibrant village with multiple restaurants, bars and shops to cater for existing residents and the increased number of visitors and employees of the new business at the Cable Station and in Chapeltown. 6. To increase in the number of beds, beyond the availability air bnb and self-catering accommodation, by expanding the Royal Hotel capacity and other sources. This will greatly enhance the island’s ability to attract small conference and corporate events, particularly in the off season, for groups of up to 150.