1. Development Management Standards & Guidelines

Closed18 May, 2022, 00:01 - 16 Jun, 2022, 17:01

1. Development Management Standards & Guidelines



Amendment Ref.

DM 1

Amend Text

Amend wording in

  • The prescribed private amenity space will allow for a private amenity area, which can accommodate the storage of bins/garden shed etc, and the provision of an area for vegetable growing, etc. In certain circumstances, the standards may be reduced for smaller houses if the Planning Authority considers the space proposed usable in terms of its orientation and shape for example. Reduced quantum may be considered in respect of well-designed high-quality development where it can be demonstrated by the applicant that the space is usable, appropriately located & shaped and of high quality.



Amendment Ref.

DM 2

Amend Text

  • A minimum driveway length of 6 m. should be maintained where appropriate to the site context.


Section 1.14.1

Amendment Ref.

DM 3

Amend Text

The following should shall be taken into account when preparing a planning application:

  • Co-location of such facilities on the same mast or cabinets by different operators is favoured to discourage a proliferation, where possible. Where new facilities are proposed applicants  will be required to satisfy the Council that they have made a reasonable effort to share facilities or to locate facilities in clusters.
  • Every effort should shall be made to locate telecommunication masts in non-scenic areas or in area where they are unlikely to intrude on the setting of, or views to/from national monuments, protected structures or sensitive streetscapes. The preferred location for telecommunication antennae is in industrial estates or areas zoned for industrial use or in areas already developed for utilities.
  • In the event of the discontinuance of any mast installation the mast and its equipment shall be removed from the site and the land reinstated.
  • All planning applications shall be required to furnish a statement of compliance with the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) Guidelines or the equivalent European Pre-Standard 50166-2 in the interest of health and safety.
  • Every effort should be made to locate new telecommunication masts in existing compounds or adjacent to existing masts.
  • When locating on greenfield sites the mast should be away from existing residential properties.
  • The preferred location for masts and antennae is in industrial estates, attached to industrial buildings or other commercial buildings


Section 1.15

Amendment Ref.

DM 4

Amend Text

Amend in Volume 6, Appendix 1, Section 1.15, fourth paragraph, 2nd bullet point:

After “such as…add Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine ….to the list of consultees


With respect to wind energy developments, the Planning Authority will require the following:

  • That the developer consult with the Planning Authority during the site selection process to identify considerations particular to the proposed site which would indicate its suitability or otherwise for a specific type of renewable energy development.
  • That the developer consult with other relevant statutory agencies that could assist in identifying environmental sensitivities and relevant considerations such as the Department of Housing, Local Government, Department of Environment, Climate and Communications, The Forestry Service, the Irish Aviation Authority, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Inland Fisheries Ireland and other appropriate statutory and non-statutory bodies.


 Section 1.15.1

Amendment Ref.

DM 5

Amend Text

  • Ornithological (bird) survey (winter and breeding) for at least 2 years prior to a planning application being made. As part of this, the Irish Hen Harrier Winter Survey (IHHWS) should be consulted with in relation to Hen Harrier Winter Roost locations.


Section 1.16

Amendment Ref.

DM 6

Amend Text

Amend Volume 6, Appendix 1 Development Management Standards and Guidelines, Section 1.16 (l) as follows:

l) The Council will require an Ecological Impact Assessment or Natura Impact Statement for all proposals within or in the vicinity of an SPA, SAC or NHA. Where a quarry development falls within a conservation designation, the developer is advised to consult with the National Parks and Wildlife Service prior to making an application.  As regards the protection of the county’s geo-heritage, the developer is also advised to consult with Geological Survey Ireland (GSI).  Evidence of such consultation should be submitted to the Planning Authority at application stage. The Council will require that the operator of the quarry shall put in place an Environmental Monitoring System, to monitor all environmental standards (noise, dust, blasting etc.) on an on-going basis. It is recognised that quarries offer opportunities for heritage and biodiversity, particularly in less intensively used areas of quarries and as part of site restoration. Heritage and biodiversity enhancement measures, to include consideration of geological heritage, is required to be taken into consideration as part of required site restoration proposals.  Such plans will need to consider the following geo-heritage mitigation, in consultation with GSI, as appropriate:

1. The facilitation, where feasible, of access to quarry faces by appropriate geo-scientists during quarrying to assess any geologically interesting new stratigraphies / relationships as they might become exposed and to establish if the quarry site is worthy of recognition post extraction and through aftercare/restoration planning, and

2. If deemed appropriate, exploring opportunities for a representative section of the quarry face at the end of the quarry life or inclusion of information panels to promote the geology to the public or develop tourism or educational resources if appropriate depending on the future use of the site, in consultation within the Geo-heritage Programme of GSI. 


Section 1.20

Amendment Ref.

DM 7

Add specific guidance in relation to the provision of EV charge points in Section 1.20 of the Development Management Standards Vol.6.

Development Category

EV Charging Point

Residential multi-unit developments both new buildings and buildings undergoing major renovations (with private car spaces including visitor car parking spaces).

A minimum of 1 EV charge point space per five car parking spaces (ducting for every parking space shall also be provided)

New dwellings with in-curtilage car parking.

installation of appropriate infrastructure to enable installation of recharging point for EV’s

Non-residential developments (with private car parking spaces including visitor car parking spaces with more than 10 spaces e.g.,office developments

provide at least 1 recharging point, and a minimum of 1 space per five car parking spaces should be equipped with one fully functional EV Charging Point

Developments with publicly accessible spaces (e.g.,supermarket car park, cinema etc.)

Provide at least 1 recharging point, and a minimum of 1 space per five car parking spaces should be equipped with one fully functional EV Charging Point


 Section 1.20.9

Amendment Ref.

DM 8

Amend Text

Development Management Standards to include a requirement that all new development included in any of the land use classes should provide a bicycle parking bay/bike shelter.