
Chapter 11, Section 11.1

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

The  conservation  of  biodiversity  is also of  particular  significance  in  Kerry  given  its  rich  natural  heritage  of wildlife habitats, Kerry’s Bogs, species, geological features and landforms, including some of international importance.


Chapter 11, Section 11.2.1

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

In order to inform project design, scale and location, developers should engage with statutory and non-statutory holders of ecological data at pre-planning stage, so as to seek to avoid inadvertent damage, particularly in relation to EU Directive Annex species. As part of this, it should be noted that the Irish Hen Harrier Survey (IHHWS) contains Hen Harrier winter roost data.


Chapter 11,

Objective List Heading


Amendment Ref.


Amend Objective

KCDP 11-2:  Maintain the nature conservation value and integrity of Special Areas of Conservation, Special Protection Areas,  Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs) and proposed Natural Heritage Areas (pNHAs). This shall include any other sites that may be designated at national level during the lifetime of the plan in co-operation with relevant state agencies.


Chapter 11,

Objective List Heading


Amendment Ref.


New Objective

Facilitate and support the protection and enhancement of wetlands as nature-based solutions to flood management, climate change, and the biodiversity crisis.


Chapter 11, Section 11.2.5

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

As part of the councils commitment to biodiversity and Climate Change, Kerry County Council is seeking to return more open grassed areas such as grass verges along roads, sections of public parks , appropriate areas in graveyards etc . to natural biodiversity areas to encourage natural wildflowers to recolonise and support enhanced bee and insect populations. This will be achieved through a reduction in the amount of seasonal mowing and the establishment and restoration of rewilded areas. 


Chapter 11,

Objective List Heading

All-Ireland Pollinator Plan 2021-2025

Amendment Ref.


New Objective

Support the management of appropriate green areas to become natural biodiversity areas to encourage natural wildflowers to recolonise and support enhanced bee and insect populations.


Chapter 11,

Objective List Heading

Killarney National Park and Kerry UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

Amendment Ref.


New Objective

Support the protection of the biodiversity and tourism-value of Killarney National Park by proactively engaging with all stakeholders to tackle Rhododendron infestation and combating illegal fires.


Chapter 11,

Objective List Heading

Woodlands and Trees

Amendment Ref.


New Objective

Support the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Creation of Woodland on Public Lands Scheme, on public authority owned lands in the county at appropriate locations. 


Chapter 11,

Objective List Heading

Air and Noise Pollution

Amendment Ref.


Amend Objective

KCDP 11-37: Ensure all new road infrastructure projects will be assessed in accordance with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) Guidance and mitigation measures provided where deemed appropriate. Development proposals should identify and implement noise mitigation measures, where warranted, for development proposed in the vicinity of existing or proposed national roads. The costs of implementing mitigation measures shall be borne by the developer, as the Authority will not be responsible for the provision of additional noise mitigation.


Chapter 11,

Objective List Heading

Sand Dunes

Amendment Ref.


Amend Objective

KCDP 11-55: Work with the OPW, NPWS, local stakeholders and community-based organisations to facilitate and support community led initiatives to protect the coastal areas from erosion and to mitigate the effects of climate change, subject to environmental assessment.


Chapter 11, Section 11.5.2

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

Within the existing built-up areas of some town centres an existing residual flood risk remains pending the construction of flood mitigation infrastructure. The redevelopment of these existing sites and the undeveloped infill sites should take into consideration the identified and mapped flood risk in any design proposal. Development proposals in relation to these sites should seek to avoid the identified flood risk areas or if not possible ensure that the flood risk is not increased for adjacent properties and consider flood resilient or flood resistant construction design methodologies.


Chapter 11, Section 11.5.1

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

Kerry  County  Council  will have  full  regard  to  the development of proposed Flood relief schemes, and ensure that zoning or development proposals support and do not impede or prevent the progression of these measures.


Chapter 11,

Objective List Heading

Land Use and Flood Risk Management

Amendment Ref.


Amend Objective

KCDP 11-63: Liaise with the OPW on all issues involving river drainage and flood relief, especially when dealing with any development consent applications in the vicinity of important drainage channels, benefiting lands and in maintaining access for OPW.


Chapter 11,

Objective List Heading

Land Use and Flood Risk Management

Amendment Ref.


New Objective

Facilitate and support dredging and/or pumping where appropriate to protect rivers and waterways.


Chapter 11,

Objective List Heading

Sequential Approach Justification Test

Amendment Ref.


New Objective

Ensure that zoning or development proposals support and do not impede or prevent the progression of flood relief schemes throughout the county.


Chapter 11,

Objective List Heading

Sequential Approach Justification Test

Amendment Ref.


New Objective

Ensure that access requirements are preserved for the maintenance of Arterial Drainage Schemes and Drainage Districts