
Chapter 1, Section 1.1

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

Amend Goal 4: Enhance sustainable Physical and Digital connectivity internally, across the broader region and internationally.


Chapter 1, Section 1.1

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

Amend Goal 9: Protect and enhance the Natural and Built Environment including biodiversity.


Chapter 1, Section 1.1

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

Amend Goal 10: to include ‘life-wide’ in addition to ‘life-long’.


Chapter 1, Section 1.5

Amendment Ref.


New Objective

Review this plan after 2 years and a progress report will be prepared by the Chief Executive on the achievements in securing the objectives of the Plan at that time.


Chapter 1, Section 1.8.3

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

The Local Area plans for Tralee, Killarney and Listowel MDs will be reviewed within 12 months of the adoption of this plan and all remaining Local Area Plans by the end of Q1 2024.


Chapter 1, Section

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

The Strategy 2010-2030 promotes a holistic, integrated approach to the Irish language which is consistent with international best practice. Nine areas of action are set out in the Strategy including economic, social, and cultural development policies for the Irish Language and Gaeltacht areas.  It contains particular policies for cultural and linguistic initiatives and language-based projects.  In this context, particular importance is attached to the preservation and promotion of Irish in the Gaeltacht in relation to conserving and protecting the heritage, culture, and richness of the language where it remains as a household and community language.

Please note that this submission pertains to the material alterations in their entirety.
The OPW, as lead agency for flood risk management in Ireland, welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Material Alterations to the Draft Kerry County Development Plan 2022-2028
Dear County Manager, 1. I object to the intention in the Amendments report to the County development plan, to exclude the Listowel Municipal District from the Kerry Hub and Knowledge Triangle...
A Chara On behalf of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage please find attached archaeological and nature conservation observations and recommendations in relation to the...