
Chapter 5, Section 5.1

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

Agriculture is the predominant land use in Kerry with approximately 226,000 hectares of farmed land in the County, however, according to Census 2016 data, only 8% of Kerry’s population is employed in the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing sectors.


Chapter 5, Section 5.1

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

Given the relatively low agricultural employment figures, Agriculture and fishing remain important employment and economic sectors for the county. In order to sustain and strengthen the employment base in rural communities it is recognised that the promotion of farm diversification and new employment opportunities within the agriculture sector is necessary to sustain rural communities and ensure viability of existing community services.


Chapter 5, Section 5.1

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

3. Rural Kerry is an important national and international tourism and heritage asset, and its environmental and socio-cultural assets will be protected.


Chapter 5, Section 5.3

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

Within the Gaeltacht areas, the importance of Linguistic need in our Gaeltacht’s is recognised, along with social and economic need.


Chapter 5

Objective List Heading

Cluster Developments in Small Village Settlements

Amendment Ref.


New Objective

The council will facilitate the development of a cluster of 8 houses at an appropriate location on the edge of Castlegregory Village. These houses shall be restricted to local people who were born in the village and used as permanent places of residence.


Chapter 5, Objective List Heading Cluster Developments in Small Village Settlements

Amendment Ref.


New Objective

Ensure that cluster developments in An Ghaeltacht settlements listed in table 5.1 shall be subject to linguistic and occupancy requirements in order to protect the linguistic and cultural heritage of the Gaeltacht areas including the promotion of Irish as the community language and that a minimum of 66% of Housing in Cluster Developments within the Gaeltacht areas shall be reserved for Irish Speakers. The standard of Irish required shall be determined and assessed by Kerry County Council.


Chapter 5, Section 5.4

Amendment Ref.


Amend Table

Omit the settlement of Baile na nGall from Table 5.1.


Chapter 5, Section 5.4

Amendment Ref.


Amend Objective

KCDP 5-9: Facilitate the development of small-scale residential cluster developments in villages and small village settlements listed in Table 5.1 served by individual onsite wastewater treatment systems where there are no plans to provide a capital wastewater scheme and where the design, layout and scale of the residential cluster is commensurate with the scale and layout of the existing settlement. Occupancy shall be restricted to persons who have spent a substantial period of their lives (i.e., over seven years), living in the local rural area.  These dwellings shall be permanent places of residence.


Chapter 5

Objective List Heading

Rural Settlement Policy

Amendment Ref.


Amend Objective

KCDP 5-12:  In Rural Areas under Significant Urban Influence applicants shall satisfy the Planning Authority that their proposal constitutes an exceptional rural generated housing need based on their social (including lifelong or life limiting condition) and / or economic links to a particular local rural area, and in this regard, must demonstrate that they comply with one of the following categories of housing need:

a) Farmers, including their sons and daughters or a favoured niece/nephew where a farmer has no family of their own who wish to build a first home for their permanent occupation residence on the family farm.

b) Persons taking over the ownership and running of a farm on a full-time basis, who wish to build a first home on the farm for their permanent occupation, residence where no existing dwelling is available for their own use. The proposed dwelling must be associated with the working and active management of the farm.

c) Other persons working full-time in farming or the marine sector for a period of over seven years, in the local rural area where they work and in which they propose to build a first home for their permanent occupation residence.

d) Landowners including their sons and daughters who wish to build a first home for their permanent occupation on the landholding associated with their principal family residence for a minimum of ten years prior to the date of the planning application.

 e) Persons who have spent a substantial period of their lives (i.e., over seven years), living in the local rural area in which they propose to build a first home for their permanent occupation.

Preference shall be given to renovation/restoration/alteration/extension of existing dwellings on the landholding before consideration to the construction of a new house.


Chapter 5

Objective List Heading

Rural Settlement Policy

Amendment Ref.


Amend Objective

KCDP 5-13:  In Rural Areas under Urban Influence applicants shall satisfy the Planning Authority that their proposal constitutes an exceptional rural generated housing need based on their social (including lifelong or life limiting condition) and / or economic links to a particular local rural area, and in this regard, must demonstrate that they comply with one of the following categories of housing need:

a) Farmers, including their sons and daughters or a favoured niece/nephew where a farmer has no family of their own who wish to build a first home for their permanent occupation residence on the family farm.

b) Persons taking over the ownership and running of a farm on a full-time basis, who wish to build a first home on the farm for their permanent occupation residence, where no existing dwelling is available for their own use. The proposed dwelling must be associated with the working and active management of the farm.

c) Other persons working full-time in farming or the marine sector for a period of over seven years, in the local rural area where they work and in which they propose to build a first home for their permanent occupation residence.

d) Landowners including their sons and daughters who wish to build a first home for their permanent occupation on the landholding associated with their principal family residence for a minimum of seven years prior to the date of the planning application.

e) Persons who have spent a substantial period of their lives (i.e., over seven years), living in the local rural area in which they propose to build a first home for their permanent occupation residence.       

Preference shall be given to renovation/restoration/alteration/extension of existing dwellings on the landholding before consideration to the construction of a new house.


Chapter 5, Section 5.3

Amendment Ref.


Amend Map

Amend Rural Area Types Map 5.1.

Rural Area Types Material Alterations Map

Map 5.1 Rural Area Types

Cuirtear fáilte roimis na moltaí mar a bhaineann siad le tithíocht sa Ghaeltacht, agus iarrtar ar an gComhairle moltaí níos láidre ó dhreamanna cosúil le Todhchaí na Tuaithe sa chéad babhta...
Molaimid an leasú seo a leanas ar leaú 5.6; ''Ensure that cluster developments in An Ghaeltacht settlements listed in table 5.1 shall be subject to linguistic and occupancy requirements in...
Táimid ag moladh go leasaítear leasú amendment ref. 5.6 i gcaibidil 5. “Ensure that cluster developments in An Ghaeltacht settlements listed in table 5.1 shall be subject to linguistic and...
please see attached submission
Submission regarding "Rural Areas under Significant Urban Influence".   Amendment Ref. 5.9