Chapter 8: Gaeltacht Areas, Culture & Heritage
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Chapter 8, Section 8.1 |
Amendment Ref. |
8.1 |
Amend Map Amend Map 8.1 Correct spelling of Uíbh Ráthach and show BSG Daingean Uí Chúis and Bailte Seirbhíse Gaeltachta instead of the English version. |
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Chapter 8, Section |
Amendment Ref. |
8.2 |
Amend Text Use correct acronyms LPT and BSG instead of LPT and GST in the Irish version of the Development Plan. Amend relevant maps. |
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Chapter 8, Section |
Amendment Ref. |
8.3 |
Amend Text
New initiatives to plan and develop the Gaeltacht areas and use of the Irish language were introduced by the Gaeltacht Act 2012. The key measures include the development of |
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Chapter 8, Section |
Amendment Ref. |
8.4 |
Amend Text paragraph 2, correct the following spellings: Uíbh and Daingean Uí Chúis. |
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Chapter 8, Section |
Amendment Ref. |
8.5 |
New Section Straitéis 20 Bliain Don Ghaeilge 2010-2030 (20 Year strategy for the Irish language) The Strategy 2010-2030 promotes a holistic, integrated approach to the Irish language which is consistent with international best practice. Nine areas of action are set out in the Strategy including economic, social, and cultural development policies for the Irish Language and Gaeltacht areas. It contains particular policies for cultural and linguistic initiatives and language-based projects. In this context, particular importance is attached to the preservation and promotion of Irish in the Gaeltacht in relation to conserving and protecting the heritage, culture, and richness of the language where it remains as a household and community language. |
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Chapter 8, Section 8.1.2 |
Amendment Ref. |
8.6 |
Amend Table 8.1.2 make the following amendments to the table Corca Dhuibhne, Uíbh Ráthach and the English version Ciarraí Thiar- West Kerry, Ciarraí Theas- South Kerry. |
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Chapter 8, Section 8.1.3 |
Amendment Ref. |
8.7 |
Amend Text The main factors that need to be considered in the preservation of the Irish language (within the context of this land use plan) are demographics, economic factors, facilities, and infrastructure. It is critically important that people have opportunities available to them to use Irish daily in the community outside of the education system. In recent years the Council has been particularly proactive in the promotion of the Gaeltacht areas in Kerry. The Kerry County Council Scéim Gaeilge IV, 2018-2021 aims to promote the provision of services through the Irish language for the people of the Gaeltacht. Such proactive measures are important in ensuring the survival of the Irish language and its associated Gaeltacht culture. It is considered important that facilities be provided which facilitate the teaching of the Irish language to those who desire it. The Council in the performance of its duties pursuant to the Official Languages Act 2003 has drafted its own plan towards providing:
It is the policy of Kerry County Council to support and promote the Tobar Dhuibhne - Plean Teanga Chiarraí Thiar (2018),
The Gaeltacht has a significant cultural and economic impact on the towns which serve it. Similarly, those towns have a significant impact on the Gaeltacht itself. Under the Gaeltacht Act 2012, Kerry County Council actively facilitates those individuals with an intrinsic and economic need to live in the rural Gaeltacht area. Between March 2015 and June 2021, 71.4% of all rural one-off housing planning applications were granted in the Corca Dhuibhne and Uibh Rathaigh Gaeltacht. However, it must be noted that according to the 2016 Census (CSO) there are 2,068 holiday homes in Gaeltacht areas representing 32.5% of Gaeltacht housing stock. In some rural ED’s over 50% of the housing stock comprises of holiday homes. The pressures of such development and associated migration of non-Irish speakers have the potential to affect the viability of the Irish language. |
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Chapter 8, Section |
Amendment Ref. |
8.8 |
Amend Text
All applications for |
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Chapter 8, Objective List Heading Preservation of the Irish Language |
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8.9 |
Amend Objective
KCDP 8-6: Facilitate and support Language Plans of the County: Tobar Dhuibhne |
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Chapter 8, Objective List Heading Preservation of the Irish Language |
Amendment Ref. |
8.10 |
Amend Objective
KCDP 8-7: Ensure that developments of multiple residential units ( |
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Chapter 8, Objective List Heading Preservation of the Irish Language |
Amendment Ref. |
8.11 |
Amend Objective KCDP 8-8: Ensure that a minimum of 66% of Housing Developments on R1 and R4 zoned lands within the Gaeltacht areas shall be reserved for Irish Speakers. The standard of Irish required shall be determined and assessed by Kerry County Council. A language Enurement Clause (LEC) will be applied for a duration of 15 years from the date of first occupancy of the unit. |
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Chapter 8, Section |
Amendment Ref. |
8.12 |
Amend Text Facilities (Áiseanna)
Insert an additional bullet point under Section – Irish Language Policies • Promote and encourage the increased use of Irish in the accommodation, restaurant, retail, attractions and activity sectors. |
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Chapter 8, Objective List Heading Preservation of the Irish Language |
Amendment Ref. |
8.13 |
Amend Objective KCDP 8-9: Facilitate and promote in cooperation with Údarás na Gaeltachta, Fáilte Ireland and all other statutory development agencies, sustainable tourism development in the Gaeltacht areas of the County. |
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Chapter 8, Objective List Heading Preservation of the Irish Language |
Amendment Ref. |
8.14 |
Amend Objective KCDP 8-10: Collaborate with Fáilte Ireland and Tourism Ireland to sustainably support and promote our Gaeltacht areas as key Irish Language Tourism destinations. |
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Chapter 8, Section |
Amendment Ref. |
8.15 |
Paragraph 5, amend Gaeltachtaí to Gaeltacht areas |
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Chapter 8, Section 8.1.4 |
Amendment Ref. |
8.16 |
Amend Text Their main language planning objective is to be implemented in 26 Limistéir Phleanála Teanga (language planning areas) and three Bailte Seirbhísí Gaeltachta Gaeltacht service towns by the end of 2025. Amend Section 8.1.4 and KCDP 8-13 & KCDP 8-14: use the correct title and spelling of Údarás na Gaeltachta. |
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Chapter 8, Section 8.1.4 |
Amendment Ref. |
8.17 |
Amend Text Include reference under section 8.1.4 that the official marketing brand which has been developed to recognise producers and businesses in the Gaeltacht areas be included. |
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Chapter 8, Objective List Heading Gaeltacht Stakeholders & Economic Development |
Amendment Ref. |
8.18 |
Amend Objective
KCDP 8-13: Support the provision of high-quality broadband and the development of the Údarás na Gaeltachta |
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Chapter 8, Section |
Amendment Ref. |
8.19 |
Amend Text The Council will continue to support and promote Dingle’s Smart Village status. |
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Chapter 8, Objective List Heading Gaeltacht Stakeholders & Economic Development |
Amendment Ref. |
8.20 |
Amend Objective
KCDP 8-14: Promote the Gaeltacht areas as economic loci and support the role of |
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Chapter 8, Objective List Heading Gaeltacht Stakeholders & Economic Development |
Amendment Ref. |
8.21 |
New Objective Facilitate and support the Dingle Peninsula 2030 initiative which includes the Energy master plan, Precision Farming, Marine-water Quality monitoring and Sustainable tourism & transport. |
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Chapter 8, Objective List Heading Gaeltacht Stakeholders & Economic Development |
Amendment Ref. |
8.22 |
New Objective Facilitate the sustainable provision of seasonal accommodation for employees on the site of a tourism facility which will be wholly ancillary to the use of the tourism facility. |
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Chapter 8, Section 8.2.1 |
Amendment Ref. |
8.23 |
Amend Text It is the policy of the plan to support and implement the aims of the Kerry County Arts Strategy and the Life Worth Living Report (The Report of the Arts and Culture Recovery Taskforce) November 2020. |
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Chapter 8, Section 8.3.3 |
Amendment Ref. |
8.24 |
Amend Text The protection of underwater cultural heritage in all its forms (which includes a range of features, including wrecks, remains of bridges and submerged, or partially submerged, coastal and riverine structures) is a core objective of Kerry County Council in relation to archaeological heritage. Logboats, such as the example from Derryco in the Cashen estuary, have also been previously recorded from the county’s waterways. A number of artefacts have been recovered from watercourses. The Underwater Archaeology Unit (UAU)section of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage is engaged in the compilation of an inventory of shipwrecks recorded in Irish waters, including the Kerry Coast. The Wreck Inventory of Ireland Database (WIID)includes all known wrecks over 100 years old and approximately 18,000 records have been compiled and integrated into the shipwreck database thus far. Wrecks 100 or more years old have full legal protection under the National Monuments Acts. They (along with archaeological objects) are automatically protected and generally do not feature in statutory listings (the Record of Monuments and Places and the Register of Historic Monuments). A total of 545 wrecks are recorded in the WIID from County Kerry. The National Monument Service’s Wreck Viewer has been developed to facilitate easy access to the WIID. The Wreck Viewer displays only wrecks for which the Department has a recorded location (approx.22% of total entries in the WIID). Of the wrecks listed for Ireland, most are without exact locations and the records of wrecking pertaining to them date from the 18thcentury or later. Many more previously unknown wrecks therefore await discovery in the coastal waters off Kerry, dating to earlier times but which went unrecorded when lost. |
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Chapter 8, Objective List Heading Archaeological Heritage |
Amendment Ref. |
8.25 |
Amend Objective KCDP 8-22 (i) Secure the preservation in situ of all sites, features, protected wrecks and objects of archaeological interest within the county. In securing such preservation the Council will have regard to the advice and recommendations of the National Monuments Service, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, the National Museum of Ireland, and the County Archaeologist. (ii) Ensure that proposed development (due to location, size, or nature) which may have implications for the archaeological heritage of the county will be subject to an Archaeological Assessment (including Underwater Archaeological Impact Assessment) which may lead to further subsequent archaeological mitigation – buffer zones/exclusion zones, monitoring, pre-development archaeological testing, archaeological excavation and/or refusal of planning permission. This includes areas close to archaeological monuments, development sites which are extensive in area (half hectare or more) or length (1km or more) or include potential impacts on underwater cultural heritage and development that requires an Environmental Impact Assessment. |
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Chapter 8, Objective List Heading Archaeological Heritage |
Amendment Ref. |
8.26 |
Amend Objective KCDP 8-23: Ensure the protection and preservation of archaeological monuments, wrecks and features, not yet listed in the Record of Monuments & Places (RMP), Sites & Monuments Record (SMR) or Wreck Inventory of Ireland Database and such unrecorded, through on-going review of the archaeological potential of the plan area. In securing such protection the council will have regard to the advice and recommendations of The National Monuments Service, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, and the County Archaeologist. |
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Chapter 8, Objective List Heading Archaeological Heritage |
Amendment Ref. |
8.27 |
Amend Objective KCDP 8-24: Protect and preserve and promote the underwater archaeological heritage of the county. In assessing proposals for development, the Council will take account of the Archaeological Potential of rivers, lakes, intertidal and sub-tidal environments Where flood relief schemes are being undertaken the Council will have regard to the Archaeological Guidelines for Flood Relief Schemes (DHLGH and OPW 2021). |
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Chapter 8, Objective List Heading Archaeological Heritage |
Amendment Ref. |
8.28 |
Amend Objective KCDP 8-28: Protect and preserve the industrial, military, maritime, riverine, lacustrine and post-medieval archaeological heritage of the county as reflected in such sites as mills, lighthouses, harbours, Valentia cable station, gun batteries, towers, and demesnes. Proposals for refurbishment, works to or redevelopment of these sites should be subject to a full architectural and archaeological assessment including, where appropriate, Underwater Archaeological Impact Assessment. |