
Chapter 4,

Objective List Heading

Urban Regeneration and Compact Growth

Amendment Ref.


Amend Objective

KCDP 4-1: Support and facilitate the objectives and actions in Housing for All (HfA) to regenerate towns and villages, to tackle dereliction, vacancy, to deliver site assembly opportunities, and to promote the sustainable development of land to achieve compact growth and increased population in these centres and to engage with the Land Development Agency (LDA), where appropriate, in the identification, planning and co-ordination of strategic, publicly owned land banks to achieve compact growth, sustainable development, and urban regeneration.


Chapter 4,

Objective List Heading

Urban Regeneration and Compact Growth

Amendment Ref.


Amend Objective

KCDP 4-6: Facilitate and support the development of an Action Plan for Town Centre Renewal Town Centre First Plan for Key Settlements in collaboration with communities and stakeholders.


Chapter 4,

Objective List Heading

Urban Regeneration and Compact Growth

Amendment Ref.


New Objective

Prepare a masterplan for Castleisland and other similar size settlements subject to Town Centre First funding.


Chapter 4,

Objective List Heading

Urban Regeneration and Compact Growth

Amendment Ref.


New Objective

Monitor the implementation of compact growth as per Implementation & Monitoring as contained in Volume 1, Appendix 9.


Chapter 4,

Objective List Heading

Urban Regeneration and Compact Growth

Amendment Ref.


New Objective

Facilitate and support Language Plans of the County for Bailte Seirbhíse Gaeltachta - Daingean Uí Chúis, Tralee and Cahersiveen, to achieve their target of increasing the number of daily Irish Speakers.


Chapter 4,

Objective List Heading

Accessibility and Mobility

Amendment Ref.


Amend Objective

KCDP 4-15: To prioritise walking routes and to deliver a high level of priority and permeability for walking, cycling and public transport modes, in accordance with the principles of movement, place and permeability as laid out in the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets 2019, All to ensure the when consolidating development of higher densities within existing urban centres we the creation of create accessible, permeable links   attractive, vibrant, and safe places to work, live, shop and engage in community life.  to places of work, retail, services, educational and community facilities.


Chapter 4,

Objective List Heading

Accessibility and Mobility

Amendment Ref.


New Objective

Support the provision of Autism friendly car parking spaces as long as the provision of such parking is in addition to, doesn’t form part of, or replace the minimum criteria for such parking provisions as detailed in the National Disability Authority Guidelines Building for Everyone published in 2012 (including any updated/superseding document.


Chapter 4,

Objective List Heading

Active Land Management

Amendment Ref.


Amend Objective

Amend KCDP 4-31 to state - Encourage and support the use of town & village centre regeneration schemes, including:

  • Repair & Leasing scheme
  • Buy & Renew scheme
  • Living over the shop scheme
  • Croí Cónaithe fund


Chapter 4,

Objective List Heading

Active Land Management

Amendment Ref.


New Objective

Take into consideration the potential for impact on wildlife as part of derelict site renovation proposals, as outlined in S 4.3.4 of this plan. 


Chapter 4, Section 4.3.4

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

Derelict properties may be used as homes for wildlife such as swifts, bats and barn owls.  In many cases these will be protected by law, and a NPWS derogation licence will be needed for their conversion. Where feasible, the retention of features used by such wildlife, or their appropriate replacement where permissible, should be considered during the renovation of derelict buildings which contain these features.


Derelict sites should be sympathetically renovated in keeping with the character of the area and should be finished in suitable materials. The Plan acknowledges that derelict houses are frequently used as homes for wildlife such as swifts, bats and barn owls.  In many cases these will be protected by law, and a licence will be needed for their conversion.  Where feasible, the retention of features used by such wildlife, or their appropriate replacement where permissible, should be considered during the renovation of derelict buildings which contain these features.


Chapter 4, Section

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

A healthy night-time economy contributes greatly to the vitality and viability of a town centre. There is a need to ensure that adequate provision is made for evening and late-night activities such as theatre, arts, music, cafes, restaurants, public houses, taxi offices, hot food takeaways and other similar uses. A vibrant night-time economy brings many benefits including increased visitor numbers, passive surveillance, and the creation of a destination for artistic and cultural events. A number of towns and villages are already in receipt of the Purple Flag Award and the Council will work to achieve designation for additional towns and villages in the County.


Chapter 4, Section

Amendment Ref.


Amend Text

Many of these regional towns have important connections to key towns which are located within the Key towns and have an important role in Inter-Urban Networks. Where the town is not close to a Key town and there is a large catchment there should be a good range of comparison shopping with a mix of uses and services.

Tacaimid le leasú 4.5 ''Facilitate and support Language Plans of the County for Bailte Seirbhíse Gaeltachta - Daingean Uí Chúis, Tralee and Cahersiveen, to achieve their target of increasing the...