2.11 Transportation

Dúnta6 Nol, 2021, 00:01 - 23 Fea, 2022, 17:01

2.11 Transportation

The development of an integrated transport system with focus on walking, cycling and public transport, will contribute to environmental sustainability, social cohesion and promote economic progress. The development of a Transport and Mobility Plan for Killarney Town is a key objective to identify future projects to increase levels of walking and cycling, access for all and where possible increased use of public transport. The provision of smarter travel solutions to encourage a modal shift towards sustainable mobility is aligned with the NPF National Strategic Outcome 4 Sustainable Mobility. The Department of Transport Sustainable Mobility Policy Review Background Paper 2 Active Travel outlines:

Sustainable Mobility can be described as linking people and places in a sustainable way by supporting:

  • comfortable and affordable journeys to and from work, home, school, college, shops and leisure.
  • travelling by cleaner and greener transport.
  • a shift away from the private car to greater use of active travel (walking and cycling) and public transport (e.g., bus, rail).
2.11.1 Killarney Town Traffic Model / Traffic Management Study and the Killarney Transport and Mobility Plan

Kerry County Council is committed to developing Killarney in line with the Killarney Town Traffic Model / Traffic Management Study and the future Transport and Mobility Plan for Killarney Town consistent with national policy and design guidelines

Killarney Town Traffic Model / Traffic Management Study and the Killarney Transport and Mobility Plan Objectives

It is an objective of the Council to:

KA 72

Facilitate   the   proposed   traffic   management   measures, as contained in the Killarney Town Traffic Model / Traffic Management Study and the future Transport and Mobility Plan for Killarney Town.

KA 73

Develop a Transport and Mobility Plan for Killarney Town.

2.11.2 Active Travel

Cycling and walking routes not only facilitate leisure and recreational use but have significant potential to serve as commuter routes providing access to places of work, school and other destinations. Kerry County Council is committed to developing cycling and walking infrastructure consistent with its Transport and Mobility Plan.

Key to this is improving connectivity with the construction of Cycle lanes, Wayfinding/ Green linkages, Safety School Access and promote Park and Stride through a necklace of carparks with strong pedestrian permeability and links to the town centre. Improvements shall be facilitated in the following areas:

  • Town Centre laneway upgrade
  • Parking strategy
  • Wayfinding
  • School accesses
  • Green linkages
  • Smarter Travel Cycleways / walkways
  • Safe Routes to Schools

Active Travel Objectives

It is an objective of the Council to:

KA 74

Develop and promote a more cycle and pedestrian friendly network and ancillary infrastructure throughout Killarney, having regard to environmental designations in the area.

KA 75

Facilitate the development of a cycling network strategy for Killarney Town and provide cycle lanes throughout the town at appropriate locations.

KA 76

Develop cycling and walking linkages between Killarney town centre, key strategic public amenities and residential neighbourhoods in the town, having regard to environmental designations in the area.

2.11.3 Roads & Infrastructure

Kerry County Council shall facilitate the sustainable implementation of the recommendations of the Killarney Town Traffic Model / Traffic Management Study to alleviate the traffic pressures on the town in order to sustainably, economically and inclusively benefit Killarney including the following specific projects:

  • Completion of the Inner Relief Rd linking Bohereen Na Goun and Monsignor O’Flaherty road is necessary.
  • Construction of a new strategic link road from the N22 Killarney Bypass to the Park Road to alleviate traffic in the town centre. (A-C road)
  • Construction of a network of radial cycle lanes from the town centre to residential areas, heritage buildings, tourist attractions and the National Park.

Kerry County Council shall also facilitate a Transport and Mobility Plan that sustainably, economically and inclusively benefits Killarney. In order to facilitate the emergence of a compact, diverse and resilient town, Kerry County Council acknowledges the need to increase the town’s permeability and accessibility to alternative and more sustainable modes of transport. Therefore, this plan facilitates the transition of Killarney to become an exemplar of the 10-minute town concept advocated by the RSES.

An indicative Inner relief road is proposed from Deerpark to Loreto Road on the eastern side of Killarney Town. A feasibility study will be carried out on the River Flesk crossing and its potential for impact on Natura 2000 sites will be taken into consideration.

Roads & Infrastructure Objectives

It is an objective of the Council to:

KA 77

Facilitate the enhancement of Killarney as a 10-minute town.

KA 78

Facilitate improvement of existing footpaths and road network and support future projects for footpaths and roads with the provision of amenity areas at appropriate locations.

KA 79

Provide an inner relief road linking Bohereen Na Goun and Monsignor O’Flaherty road.

KA 80

Support the development of the inner relief road from Deerpark to Loreto Road.

2.11.4  Public Transport

Kerry County Council is committed to developing public transport infrastructure consistent with its Killarney Town Traffic Model / Traffic Management Study and the Killarney Transport and Mobility Plan.

Public Transport Objectives

It is an objective of the Council to:

KA 81

Liaise with the NTA, Bus Eireann and private Bus companies to provide bus set-down areas, bus shelters and bicycle parking at strategic locations in the town centre area.

KA 82

Facilitate and support the development of a pedestrian link between the Bus Station and rail Station.

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PROPOSAL: Add an objective, “Provision increased numbers of bike racks throughout the town to encourage active travel.”  RATIONALE: There are insufficient bike racks at present, which...