1.2 Demographics
1.2 Demographics
1.2.1 Population
The 2016 Census recorded a population of 23,691 for Tralee town (& environs), which based on changes to the census boundary of the town, reflects a static population. According to the CSO the Electoral Division of Tralee Urban had an average age of 42.0 in 2016 compared with 41.6 in 2011 which is reflective of the ageing population of the County overall.
The population allocation as contained in the Core Strategy of the Kerry County Development Plan 2022-2028 for the town of Tralee is 2,663. It is the intention therefore to make provision for the development of 2,087 residential units.
When allocating for future growth, the council had regard to the principles outlined in the Core Strategy (see Vol 1, Section 3.10.3).
The following chart indicates the demographics of Tralee “at a glance” (CSO Census 2016).
(click to enlarge)
1.2.2 Housing Land Requirement
The DoEHLG guidelines on Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas (2009); promotes a plan led approach to residential development. A principal tenet of this is the need to adopt a sequential approach to zoning of residential lands, extending outwards from the centre of an urban area, in line with the provision of infrastructure. Additional headroom is included in the land requirements to allow for the provision of competition, the avoidance of market monopoly and the non-availability of zoned lands. The vast majority of lands are centrally located, within walking distance to the town centre. A principal tenet of this plan is a refocusing on development back into town and village settlements. As part of this a significant geographical area surrounding Tralee, which is reflective of a historical level of one-off housing development, has been designated as a rural area under significant urban influence (see Vol 1; chapter 5). It is essential therefore that the development of R1 lands in Tralee provide a realistic and viable alternative to this historical and ongoing housing demand. The National Planning Framework, Ireland 2040 targets a significant proportion of future urban development on infill and brownfield development sites within the built envelope of existing urban areas. It is envisaged that 30% of new housing in Tralee will be on infill and brownfield sites. The provision of the required housing units shall occur within the town boundary in accordance with the Core Strategy.
Residential Development Objectives It is an objective of the Council to: |
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Facilitate the development of 2,087 residential units within the town boundary. |
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Facilitate the provision of a range of housing solutions, to cater for the diverse housing demand within the town, catering for individuals and families at appropriate scales and attractive alternatives to urban generated housing in rural areas. |
TR 14 |
Monitor the scale, rate and location of newly permitted developments and apply appropriate development management measures in order to ensure compliance with the Settlement Hierarchy and Strategy, including the population targets for the county. |
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Ensure that residential densities are in accordance with the Ministerial Guidelines ‘Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas 2009’, ‘Urban Development and Building Height Guidelines (2018)’ and any successor guidelines. |
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Encourage and facilitate adequate levels of Social Housing and Assisted Living Schemes at appropriate locations. |