3.3 Climate Action
3.3 Climate Action
(See also Volume 1, Chapter 2 – Achieving a sustainable Future)
3.3.1 Climate Action in Listowel
Kerry County Council will seek to incorporate the national policy on climate change - the national climate objective of a “transition to climate resilient, biodiversity rich a “low carbon, climate resilient and environmentally sustainable climate neutral economy by the end of the year 2050” and The European “Green Deal” into the regeneration of Listowel as part of its commitment to tackling the challenge of climate change. Specific climate actions for Listowel will be incorporated into Kerry County Council’s Climate Adaptation Strategy 2019 - 2024. Actions for biodiversity have been included in Kerry County Council’s second Biodiversity Action Plan 2022-2028 which forms part of the County Development Plan.
The future development of Listowel and its growth will focus on the development of higher-density neighbourhoods, co-working opportunities, smarter use of information technologies and patterns of mixed land use which can help reduce the need to travel and the development of a circular economy. There must be a reduction of the dependence on and use of vehicular traffic in Listowel, an increase in alternative modes of transport and a renewed focus on the development of infill and brownfield sites.
The redevelopment of infill and brownfield sites in the Town Centre and the tackling of dereliction in the area is key to continued compact growth of the town, in accordance with the National Planning Framework and the RSES, creating more sustainable communities within the town. The refurbishment and re-use of the historic buildings to apply best practice in energy efficiency will also contribute to reducing carbon emissions and contribute to the creation of new sustainable communities.
The improvement of the public realm and its focus on strengthening pedestrian and cycling links into, through and further linkages to a wider cycle network in the town, the park and the North Kerry Greenway is key to the future sustainability of alternative transport modes. Creating an attractive town core with a high-quality environment and amenity offering will enhance the attractiveness of the town as a residential and business base.
3.3.2 Biodiversity
In terms of biodiversity and open space, it is an objective of this plan to retain, protect and enhance the natural heritage of the town. It is recognised that this can support the health and well-being of the urban population and enable town dwellers to reconnect and experience nature and wildlife in their daily lives. In the context of Listowel there is a significant opportunity to interconnect the built and natural environment, sensitively merging the large open space natural resources of the town park as a seamless part of the urban experience, providing areas of natural habitat interwoven into an improved public realm. Green and Blue Infrastructure
Strong communities and a thriving economy need a healthy natural environment. Green and Blue (waterways, rivers etc.) Infrastructure within our environment – built and natural - provides habitats for flora and fauna to thrive and thereby enhances our biodiversity.
In the context of Listowel there will be significant emphasis on the interconnectivity of the built and natural environment, sensitively merging the open space natural resources of Childers Park and Woodlands, The River Feale, Ballygrennan Hill and the North Kerry Greenway as a seamless part of the urban experience, providing areas of natural habitat sustainably interwoven into an improved public realm.
Climate Action Objectives It is an objective of the Council to: |
LIS 14 |
Strengthen Listowel’s existing Green and Blue Infrastructure and facilitate its expansion in line with The EU’s Bio-diversity Strategy 2030. Provide an Activity Facilities Hub (trailhead, campervan park, outdoor performance area etc.) at the interface between the Green and Blue Infrastructure (i.e. at Neodata and Council Depot). |
LIS 15 |
Protect existing biodiversity features in the town and where appropriate enhance biodiversity with regard to the National Biodiversity Action Plan 2017-2021 and actions identified in the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan. |
3.3.3 Natural Heritage
The Town of Listowel benefits from its position along the Feale Valley and close to impressive, elevated landscapes such as Ballygrennan Hill. The landscape, public open space and Childers Park and Woodlands are a combination of natural and man-made features and are enjoyed by people of the town and visitors alike. The Council recognises the importance of these features and will strive to protect and enhance the landscape and physical beauty of the Town and the surrounding area.
Natural Heritage Objectives It is an objective of the Council to: |
LIS 16 |
Ensure that all trees and woodlands of high amenity value are retained where possible and that replacement tree planting is provided where age or disease necessitates removal (in line with the Tree Management Policy for Listowel MD). |
LIS 17 |
Require the incorporation of existing trees and groups of trees of significance into any proposed development, to require their protection during construction works and their subsequent maintenance (in line with the Tree Management Policy for Listowel MD). |
LIS 18 |
Protect views and prospects of the River Feale as viewed from the northern bank of the river. |
LIS 19 |
Preserve and improve the natural character, natural amenity value and high landscape quality of the wooded Feale River Valley and adjoining areas to the south of the Town Park and Spa Well Ridge. |
LIS 20 |
Develop further the considerable potential of the River Feale for amenity purposes, particularly with regard to protecting existing rights-of-way, improving access and extending the riverside walk in a manner which would not adversely affect the conservation objectives of the SAC. |
LIS 21 |
Provide fishing stands along the River Feale so as to facilitate disabled anglers in a manner which would not adversely affect the conservation objectives of the SAC. |
3.3.4 Flood Risk
The OPW have identified preferred flood mitigation infrastructure to mitigate flood risk along the Feale in the CFRAM Flood Risk Management Plan for Tralee Bay – Feale River Basin (UOM 23). It is an objective of this plan to facilitate the implementation of this infrastructure and the Clieveragh flood relief scheme. For more details regarding flood risk management see Chapter 11 Environment, Chapter 13 Water and Waste Management and the Development Management Standards and Guidelines. It is also an objective to prepare a masterplan for the Castleinch lands, this plan will include flood management proposals.
A Strategic Flood Risk Assessment has been carried out for this plan and has informed the land use zonings. Flood Maps indicating those areas in Listowel that are risk of flooding are included in section 3.12.
Flood Risk Objectives It is an objective of the Council to: |
LIS 22 |
Protect the town’s existing floodplains and wetlands from inappropriate development in recognition of their function as attenuators and conveyors of flood water. |
LIS 23 |
Implement the recommendations and provisions of the Planning Guidelines on the Planning System and Flood Risk Management (DoEHLG 2009), (UOM 23) and ensure that flood risk assessment policies, plans or projects are compliant with Article 6 of the Habitats Directive. |
LIS 24 |
Facilitate the construction of flood mitigation infrastructure identified in the CFRAM Flood Management Plans for UOM 23, including the construction of the Clieveragh Flood defence scheme. |