2.5 Sustainable Land Use Development

Dúnta6 Nol, 2021, 00:01 - 23 Fea, 2022, 17:01

2.5 Sustainable Land Use Development

In accordance with RPO 43 Regeneration, Brownfield and Infill Development a number of sites have been identified for potential redevelopment. An increased level of density will be permitted on these sites subject to appropriate design and integration. Additional incentives to develop these lands also apply such as reduced development contributions and parking requirements.

Regeneration/Brownfield sites map

Map 2.3: Regeneration / Brownfield Sites
2.5.1 Opportunity Sites

A number of opportunity sites have been identified, the development of these are of prime importance to the economic regeneration and urban fabric enhancement of the town. These sites include: the former Sara Lee site, St. Finians, Áras Phádraig and a number of smaller brownfield sites situated off New Road, New Street, Green Lane/Pond Lane, Msgr. O’Flaherty Road and Sunnyhill. A masterplan may be required prior the development of these areas. This broad selection of land provides greater choice for potential developers/ investors. In addition to the conventional zoning of land for employment uses, opportunities for the provision for mixed use urban development has been identified. The Áras Phádraig site has been subject to a successful funding application under the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund for a masterplan and the development of cultural and community/social infrastructure which is supported by the objectives of this Development Plan.   Killarney and Environs Map identifies the location and extent of these sites. 

A number of the sites available for development contain protected structures.  It is preferable that these are developed and occupied rather than remain vacant and prone to dereliction and vandalism.  In view of this the Planning Authority will actively promote and facilitate the sustainable re-development and re-use of these structures and sites.

Opportunity Sites
Location Map Site Size Development Potential Zoning

Áras Phádraig

Áras Phádraig site map


A mixed cultural/ heritage/community use with associated car parking provisions.


St. Finians

St. Finians Opportunity Site Map

Large landmark building and associated brownfield site


Significant mixed-use development, including a cultural/tourist use.  Development on the site should incorporate a strong social and community element which reflects the historic use of the site.

Potential residential use.

M2 & S2

Green Lane/Pond Lane

Green Lane/Pond Lane opportunity site map


New mixed use urban streetscape providing new residential, commercial outlets and office use in close proximity to the town centre and providing a new direct access onto Mission Road.

R1 & M4

Ballycasheen Road Junction

Ballycasheen Road Junction Opportunity Site Map

This is a strategic gateway site adjoining Musgraves Food depot on the south-eastern entrance to the town.  The site is bounded by the N22 to the north. 


The design and massing of new proposals at this location is important and the use of perimeter blocks is encouraged.


2.5.2 Other Opportunity Sites

A number of small opportunity sites have been identified, the development of these are of prime importance to the economic and residential regeneration of the town. These sites include a number of smaller brownfield sites situated off New Road, New Street, Msgr. O’Flaherty Road and Sunnyhill. The local authority will encourage the redevelopment of these sites throughout the town.

Opportunity Sites Objectives

It is an objective of the Council to:

KA 39

Require the preparation of masterplans prior to the redevelopment of all opportunity sites identified in the plan to ensure their development in a cohesive and integrated manner.

KA 40

Require that 30% of the overall development of St Finian’s lands be set aside for social/community use.

KA 41

Ensure that a Traffic Impact assessment shall be carried out as part of any proposals for the opportunity site.

Clár ábhair


PROPOSAL: The ‘Glebe Craft Quarter’ proposal, or similar proposals aimed at making better use of this space, should be included in the Opportunity Sites section. Thus, the following column should be...