2.7 Economy & Employment

Dúnta6 Nol, 2021, 00:01 - 23 Fea, 2022, 17:01

2.7 Economy & Employment

The economy of the town is dominated by the tourism sector and related service sectors. Liebherr and Tricel (Killarney Plastics) are also major manufacturing companies employing a large number of skilled labour.

Killarney is central to the Kerry Hub and Knowledge Triangle; this plan seeks to secure investment and facilitate development within the Kerry Hub and Knowledge Triangle as the economic core of the county. It is a policy to encourage and facilitate sustainable economic development in a manner that promotes a climate of prosperity for the betterment of all Killarneys residents.

A large landbank of zoned commercial and mixed-use land is located to the north of the bypass (see the Killarney MD LAP 2018-2024), it is envisaged that a masterplan will be prepared for these lands which will coordinate the future sustainable development of these strategic lands.  

2.7.1 Knowledge Economy

Kerry County Council will focus on the development of the knowledge-based technology and services industries to underpin economic growth in the Town as an integral component of the Kerry Hub Knowledge Triangle. Furthermore, efforts to attract inward investment, support for indigenous industries and the continuing improvements to the sustainable environmental tourism product will also be actively pursued to enhance Killarney as a focal point to the Wild Atlantic Way.

Economy and Employment Objectives

It is an objective of the Council to:

 KA 45

Sustainably strengthen the role of Killarney as a self-sustaining regional economic driver, key settlement in the Kerry Hub Knowledge Triangle and on the Atlantic Economic Corridor and build on inherent strengths as an administrative service provider, centre of skills and education, innovation, enterprise growth, culture and tourism accessible to regional airports, ports, rail and strategic road network assets.

KA 46

Seek   investment   to   sustainably   support   strengthening its key attributes and infrastructures subject to the outcome of the planning process and environmental assessments, including key inter-regional   connectivity (transport   networks   and   digital) on the strategic road network to the Cork and Limerick-Shannon Metropolitan Areas, the Atlantic Economic Corridor and the Kerry Hub Knowledge Triangle.

KA 47

Support the regeneration of opportunity sites, such as Áras Phádraig, The Sara Lee site, and St Finian’s and underused, vacant or derelict town centre lands for residential and enterprise development to facilitate population and employment growth.

KA 48

Seek investment in infrastructure that provides for both the resident population and extensive influx of visitors.

KA 49

Support investment in infrastructure and the development of lands to the north of the existing by-pass in accordance with proper planning and sustainable development objectives including the appropriate master plans in consultation with statutory stakeholders. 

Clár ábhair
