3.9 Heritage & Built Environment

Dúnta6 Nol, 2021, 00:01 - 23 Fea, 2022, 17:01

3.9 Heritage & Built Environment

3.9.1 Archaeological Heritage

Listowel Town contains numerous features of archaeological and historical interest that contribute to its distinctive character and popularity as a Heritage Town. The Recorded Sites and Monuments in the town and in its immediate vicinity are listed in Volume 3 of this plan.

The Council will promote archaeological heritage as a resource for education purposes to increase public awareness about Listowel’s archaeological heritage to ensure that it is suitably protected and conserved. This will include the enhancement of the archaeological/architectural heritage walking trail around Listowel.

3.9.2 Architectural Heritage

The Historic Towns Initiative enables Listowel to promote heritage-led regeneration and to improve the quality of its historic town centre for residents and tourists. It seeks to address vacancy in the town centre, identify opportunities for the re-use of historic structures, conserve landmark buildings, including St John's Theatre and improve streetscapes through conservation-led public realm works.

St Johns photograph Historic Towns Initiative

The Historic Towns Initiative enables Listowel to promote heritage-led regeneration and to improve the quality of its historic town centre for residents and tourists. It seeks to address vacancy in the town centre, identify opportunities for the re-use of historic structures, conserve landmark buildings, including St John's Theatre and improve streetscapes through conservation-led public realm works.                               Architectural Conservation Areas

The Council will endeavour to conserve the historical built environment, the traditional townscape and the setting of the Architectural Conservation Areas (see Volume 3). The Architectural Conservation Areas in Listowel Town include:

Architectural Conservation Areas map

Map 3.4: Architectural Conservation Areas
  • Upper William Street
  • Town Centre
  • Colbert St
  • Charles St,
  • Upper Church Street and the Red Cottages.
  • Market Street
  • Convent Cross, Listowel Bridge, Courthouse Rd
  • The Square

Heritage & Built Environment Objectives

It is an objective of the Council to:

LIS 58

Facilitate the Conservation led rejuvenation of St John’s theatre, the Kerry Writer’s Museum and other Historic Town Initiative funded projects.

LIS 59

Liaise with key stakeholders and relevant agencies such as the Heritage Council to identify opportunities to pursue conservation and heritage led regeneration projects within the town.

LIS 60

Enhance the accessibility of the “Heritage Trail” within the Town Centre.

LIS 61

Prepare an ACA Management Plan to protect the character of the designated Architectural Conservation Areas that are of special importance to the architectural, historical, cultural or social character of the town.

LIS 62

Encourage local initiatives which promote the preservation of the special character of Architectural Conservation Areas while ensuring that developments have regard to and comply with the best practice standards.

LIS 63

Liaise with key stakeholders to identify measures to implement improvements relating to the special character of ACAs. 

LIS 64

Facilitate and support the sustainable re-development of Listowel’s buildings of historical character (including protected structures).

3.9.3 Built Heritage & Urban Design

The town in general has retained a compact urban form with development radiating in all directions from The Square. Some of the newer housing developments have detracted from this compact urban form as they are located on the outskirts of the town and at a distance from the town centre.

Future development in the town should not detract from the compact nature of the town and should be carried out in a coherent manner on infill sites, brownfield sites and sites contiguous to the built-up area. Developing the town in this manner will help reinforce its compact form and will help create an attractive and sustainable settlement.

Built Heritage & Urban Design Objectives

It is an objective of the Council to:

LIS 65

Protect important views to and from landmark buildings, historic buildings and associated prospects to ensure the character of these places are adequately protected.

LIS 66

Ensure that the design of premises or the refurbishment of existing premises in the town is sympathetic to existing development in the vicinity and is of a design composition that enhances the streetscape.

LIS 67

Encourage the conservation and refurbishment of existing traditional shopfronts and name plates in appropriate materials.

LIS 68

Ensure the conservation of noteworthy features and architectural detailing of structures, the character of buildings and the continuity / homogeneity of terrace designs, which contribute to urban form and visual amenity and architectural interest.

3.9.4 Arts, Heritage and Culture

Listowel has a very strong cultural identity, including literature and music.  It is important for the identity of the town and its population that this culture be protected and promoted.  From an economic perspective, the Arts/Heritage and the Creative Sector have much to contribute to Listowel from an employment, economic and local enterprise perspective.

The arts and heritage in Listowel are vibrant, rich in content, in history and in potential. The local authority will ensure that this potential is maximised to ensure that arts/heritage will play a central role in the development of the town.

Kerry County Council will work in partnership with the education sector communities and other agencies to develop a creativity and cultural hub in Listowel and other key locations in Listowel M.D. area, where possible.

Arts, Heritage & Culture Objectives

It is an objective of the Council to:

LIS 69

Protect the literary artistic and cultural heritage of Listowel and promote Listowel as a creativity and cultural hub for North Kerry.

LIS 70

Support arts and culture development in the town where there is a clear cultural and community benefit and support organisations that have a cultural remit. 

LIS 71

Actively pursue the expansion of existing festivals and the establishment of new festivals and events in celebration and recognition of the town’s creativity, identity and heritage.

Clár ábhair
