The consultation
The closing date for submissions on the Draft Kerry County Development Plan 2022-2028 was the 23rd of February 2022.
A Chief Executive's Report has been prepared on the submissions received.
This report has been divided into 3 Parts - 1. Executive Summary, 2 . Main Report, 3. Appendix.
The CE report summarises the issues raised in submissions and outlines the response of the Chief Executive as well as recommendations for changes to the Draft Development Plan where appropriate to address the issues raised.
Your views and suggestions
A total of 512 submissions were received during the prescribed public consultation period. A large number of individually signed submissions were lodged together and these were considered as two submissions.
A list of all the persons/bodies that made submissions or observations on the Draft Plan during the prescribed consultation period is provided in the appendix of the main report.
Issues have been summarised under the relevant chapter, subsection or document heading in Part 2 of this report.
The majority of the 738 broad issues that were identified from the submissions related directly to a chapter and subsection of the Draft Development Plan Written Statement or to the documents and maps that accompany the Written Statement including Environmental Reports, the Development Plan Maps and the zoning objectives of sites.
In terms of issues that were relevant to the Draft County Development Plan Review, issues relating to economic development, renewable energy and rural settlement were raised most frequently.
Kerry County Council would like to thank everyone who made a submission.
This Chief Executive's Report was circulated to the Elected Members of Kerry County Council on the 14th April 2022.
A copy of the report is available to download below.